Debris at stary not removing self-BB help?


Well-Known Member
I have added self BB and i have tryed to remove the debris and tents from stary but neither are working self-BB did work and know it isnt can anybody help me i have did it correct 2 times.

Debris/stary tents i have used the tutorial and they wont go either help please.
Hey bud what mod are you on as some mods have self blood already . I am willing to help you out im still a rookie myself :) sometimes it goes wrong for me to but ive added alot to my old chernarus server and now im on overwatch with a few additions there . S o you can pm me your skype and ill help where i can .
All I really needed was you to copy paste that little spot on your init.sqf where you make the change.
So go into your mission PBO, find your init.sqf and open it. And find the line that says
progressLoadingScreen 1.0;

and make it look EXACTLY like this, hell copy paste this over that line...
progressLoadingScreen 1.0;
stream_locationCheck = {
//Thank you very fucking much, KK!

make sure its right above this line

"filmic" setToneMappingParams [0.153, 0.357, 0.231, 0.1573, 0.011, 3.750, 6, 4]; setToneMapping "Filmic";

Self blood bagging will take more time to help you with which I will do when I get home from work. Don't pay someone to do it for you because you need to learn how to do it yourself. The reason is, if someone goes wrong further down the line then you will have no idea how to even start to fix it. This is important because dayz is a buggy alpha mod, and sometimes stuff goes wrong. You need to be able to do this clear roads thing because its about the easiest thing you can do as far as modding the map goes. If you can't do this successfully then you will never be able to add custom things to your map.
i have fixed self BB now and salvage im having problems with the domes on chernarus 1.8 on the site my mission.sqm file has 1 line :S but you helpe me fix those so thanks alot just need domes.
ok i have the merged files shall i jsut copy the mission.sqm? over and leave the other 2? othert wise there will be alot of transfering over
make sure the debug sqf is in the root of your mission file.. so if you're running chernarus make sure you go into missions > dayz chernarus > and then put the SQF right in there. Then go into your init.sqf and call it at the end. Make sure the call name matches the name of the file.
i think i have it i didnt add the

[] execVM "scripts\refuel\kh_actions.sqf";  // Auto Refuel
[] execVM "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\init.sqf"; //R3F Towing and Lifting
[] ExecVM "scripts\custom_monitor.sqf";

in the new init because i downloaded new ones in stead of replacing and renaming
ok yea that looks fine just make sure the monitor is actually saved as custom_monitor.sqf otherwise the call wont work.
ye done is this correct the only files that i need to change from the merg was
destcription (laoding screen)
init (thos files i sent before and my instance)
mission (nothing)
ok im now getting scripts/complies.sqf not found and my self bb suddently stopped working lol
i dont know were to add the
fnc_usec_selfActions = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\fn_selfActions.sqf";            // fnc_usec_selfActions - adds custom actions to dayz code

in to my complies as it has alot of stuff inside there
the compiles.sqf should be completely blank. You can make your own. On your desktop, right click, go to new, go to new text document. Go to file, save as, at the bottom in the drop down, change it from txt to all files, and make the name compiles.sqf and save it. Put that in a folder called scripts, or custom, or whatever you want to call it really. The compiles.sqf should now be in a folder and you put that folder right into your root missions folder. Now open the compiles.sqf and at the very top add that line you pasted, save it and close it. Now put the self bloodbag.sqf in the folder with the compiles.sqf and add the fn_selfActions.sqf to the same folder. Make sure you've edited the fn_selfActions.sqf with the blood bag code as per the steps on that thread. Then make sure you call it at the end of your init.sqf. Done.