Debris + Camps Addition


Well-Known Member
If you have removed debris from your map (using this method), you may have noticed that the various default military camps were removed as well (i.e. camp at Stary Sobor, Balota, Berezino, tents at Cherno, etc). This addon will add a military presence back after debris removal, not exactly as it was in the default map but balanced more or less the same (for instance, the Balota camp is now on the airfield, not across the street).

Also, even though I kind of felt that the original debris was a bit overdone (as if the zombies had an air force and carpet-bombed Chernarus), I do like the concept, as the occasional bit of debris in the road does add an additional layer of suspense to the game, SO - I've added a very minimal amount of road debris back in, just to keep everyone on their toes. I've avoided dropping washing machines everywhere, and tried to make it a bit more realistic, using military checkpoints, bunkers, occasional wrecks, etc. It's a bit more "navigable" than the old debris... I'm pretty sure there are no dead ends here.

You can use this with any of my other addons, they are complimentary and will not spawn objects into each other (works well with the first aid stations).

CAUTION - You CANNOT use this if you haven't removed the default DayZ debris on your server... you will end up with a mess.

Get the code here -

1. Save this code as "recamp.sqf"
2. Place the .sqf file inside your mission.pbo file
3. Open "init.sqf" and add the following line to the very end -

[] execVM "recamp.sqf";

NOTE: If you install this on your server, please post any feedback here... it will let me know what to do/what not to do on my other map additions. Thanks.







