Deploy bike blows up when a player gets on?

I have a simple deploy bike/mozzie script in my server. Everything was fine before, but recently when any player deploys a bike or mozzie and gets in it, it blows up. What the heck happened? Anyone have any idea why this is doing this?
Not really. I added a new trader scheme. But I'm not sure why its doing it. Does it have something to do with BEC? Maybe it thinks its a "hacked" vehicle because it was spawned? I honestly have no idea why its doing it. I might just take it out and put a new deploy bike.
it is the server_functions.sqf if you run epoch. take a look at ebays OLD spawn and loadout select menu. It has a detailed tutorial on adding the mission variable to your items which I suggest you use, because that is why the bikes are getting blown up / deleted
it is the server_functions.sqf if you run epoch. take a look at ebays OLD spawn and loadout select menu. It has a detailed tutorial on adding the mission variable to your items which I suggest you use, because that is why the bikes are getting blown up / deleted

Indeed I'm pretty sure variables.sqf contains a array called DayZ_SafeObjects. Add your bikes to that array and you should be fine.
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