Deploy Bike help please

i use a VDS on vilayer, costs 15 a month, cheaper than,renting a,servr and can run whatever.

but what is happening is you are editing the wrong files or not placing them,where they arr supposed to go.
example is on vilayer younhave mpmossions folder that you can edit but the changes will not be saved, you need to edit the files in vilayercustomcode folder and when server restarts it updates your changes into mpmissions folder.
Yay... After taking a look at the files, every individual bloody file, i found another Server file and tried that one, and it seems to be good now :D thanks for the help blanks. I don't suppose you could possibly take a look in the 1.8.1 files and see how i could go about changing the zombies hit distance, in 1.8.1 they seem to be able to hit you well before you can hit them, which makes it almost unplayable :(
yeah, i have a mild idea of where to change that.

look at your dayzcode/system/zombie_agent.fsm file and look for this code block

 class Start_Attack
 priority = 0.000000;
 precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/;
 condition=/*%FSM<CONDITION""">*/"((local _target) and (_agent distance _target <= dayz_attackRange) and ((diag_tickTime - _last) > 2) and (_delta < 1.5) and (_delta > -1.5) and (alive _target))"/*%FSM</CONDITION""">*/;
 action=/*%FSM<ACTION""">*/"[_agent, ""zombie""] spawn player_attackdelay;" \n
 "_agent setVariable[""lastAttack"", diag_tickTime];" \n
 "" \n
 "_timeAttack = diag_ticktime;"/*%FSM</ACTION""">*/;

it looks like this variable dayz_attackRange holds how far zombies can attack players. that variable,is defined in variables.sqf
if(isNil "dayz_attackRange") then {
dayz_attackRange = 3;

so change it to 2 and see what happens. remeber you have to use the variables.sqf that is in your mission pbo, if you have other scripts installed its probably already there in a fixes folder ..,

and make sure you are editing the correct mission file/folder ... maybe add this to your init.sqf to make sure.
and check,to make sure that is shown in your rpt file
i do't have the variables file in my mission pbo yet, would i transfer it from dayz code to my mission pbo like i did with fnc_selfactions for sarge ai etc?
last question hopefully for a while lol, would i use:

compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\variables.sqf";


call compile preprocessfile "custom\variables.sqf";
hmmmmmm ... the variables.sqf already has a line in your init.sqf, so just edit that line to the new location, dont change anything else.
i beleive it uses preprocessFileLineNumbers
i've managed to move the variables from my dayz_code\init\variables.sqf into dayz_private_1.chernarus and changed the init.sqf to: call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\variables.sqf";

Now i opened up my variables file, and it seems i am missing that bit of code you managed to find? theres nothing in variables that relates to zombie dayz_attackrange
Scratch that, seems my code is slightly different and doesnt direct you to any 'Dayz_attackRange' instead just gave me a number, so im going to test changing that number and see what happens
well, i was looking at the github repo which is 1.8.4 or .5 ....
if you edit zombie_agent.fsm directly that file will need to be moved into your mission. then all references to it must be changed ... this means importing zombie generate and fixing compiles.sqf to point to that ...
if you already have walking zombies then you already have rhese in your mission.

if this is too much i can fix and post in an hour at home
walking zombies = impossible for a retard like myself to install lol, i struggle with a simple deploy bike script, can't find anythin on walking zombies for 1.8.1
Yes. You are correct, 1.8.1 does not use the variable. The distance is hard coded into zombie_agent.fsm so you can edit it in the code block. (I think, maybe others, I forgot to check)
class Attack
          priority = 0.000000;
          precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/;
          condition=/*%FSM<CONDITION""">*/"((local _target) and (_agent distance _target <= 3) and ((diag_tickTime - _last) > 1.5) and (_delta < 1.5) and (_delta > -1.5) and (alive _target))"/*%FSM</CONDITION""">*/;
          action=/*%FSM<ACTION""">*/"[_agent,  ""zombie""] call player_zombieAttack;" \n
           "_agent setVariable[""lastAttack"", diag_tickTime];"/*%FSM</ACTION""">*/;

So move zombie_agent.fsm into your mission. Now zombie_agent.fsm is called by zombie_generate.sqf so you also need to move that file into your mission and edit lines 150 and 250 to point to the new location of zombie_agent.fsm
The location of zombie_generate.sqf is pointed to by your compiles.sqf, so open up that file (it should already be in your mission folder) and locate the line for zombie_generate.sqf and change the location to your mission.

NOW you have all the files you need to change the hit distance and guess what else? WALKING ZOMBIES! .. if you wanted them.
Edit zombie_agent.fsm and look for this line
"_agent forceSpeed (_agent getVariable [""speedLimit"", 3]);" \n
it used to say forcespeed 10, but apparently in this version of dayz each type of zombie has its own attack speed.
Change it to this for walkers.
"_agent forceSpeed 2;" \n

The problem is that dayz is making major file changes every version so any changes you make to this version will have to be redone if you get a new server with 1.8.5