Despawn Dead Players


Well-Known Member
Anyone know of a script out there that can despawn a dead player's body similar to how AI bodies despawn after they're dead?
Just thought the idea of permadeath might be interesting. Plus if it helps get rid of all those cloned bodies all over the place, bonus!
hey i got a peace of it but dont know how it works maybe u can do something with it !!!,15968435/na_removedead.sqf/

This is a really great start!

Anyone have an idea how we can add a radius around the duping player, so it doesn't remove all dead players on the server?
Otherwise, this would be a permadeath scenario for everyone. You die, there's no getting your gear back. But on the plus side, there's no more clones to loot!

One thing I noticed watching a co-admin recreate this glitch is, the clone doesn't appear until login.

So if someone can figure out how to make the above code work with a radius around you (say 2 or 3 meters) as you're logging on, this would work!