Disable Location Text


Hi guys,

I have a private server and I am trying to figure out how to disable the text/notification in the lower right corner of the screen that tells the player where they are spawning. In Epoch, it also displays when the player arrives at a new location. Is this a simple change in the init.sqf? I am comfortable editing the .pbo's, just don't know where for this particular problem.

Any help is appreciated!


I have not tried the 2nd part (disable spawn text) but the first works great. Thank you. When I decide to disable the other, I will update here.
If you want to remove the info text when you spawn in it is a little more difficult. It is in these two files:

So I am finally ready to try this 2nd part that ebay talked about, but 1.) I don't have an intro.sqf file in @Dayz_Epoch or @Dayz. And, once I edit the player_monitor.fsm file with what I believe is the proper modification, how do I make my version (now in the mission.pbo) overwrite the system (and other clients') versions?
You need to take a copy of the Epoch compiles and have the init point to the new compiles in the mission.

After you do that, you need to comment out this line in that compiles.
player_spawn_1 =            compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\player_spawn_1.sqf";

Just put // in front of it.
You need to take a copy of the Epoch compiles and have the init point to the new compiles in the mission.

After you do that, you need to comment out this line in that compiles.
player_spawn_1 =            compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\player_spawn_1.sqf";

Just put // in front of it.
Not necessarily, you can actually just create a new file and put
if (isDedicated) then { 
player_spawn_1 =            compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "player_spawn_1.sqf";
then call that file below the compiles.sqf call in the init.sqf

You can do this because you can redefine a global/public variable after it has already been defined.