Disable or modify opening 'Gear'


I am looking to disable or change when you are able to access your 'Gear', for instance, I would like zones that players cannot access their gear (or other peoples gear/vehicle gear) so I'd need to disable the action for showing Gear if this is possible.
Does anyone know how to do this or if it as at all possible?

Might be able to do something with this:

(Change the coord to the coords of where you want protected, and change the 100 in the first IF statement to be the radius of the protection around the coord)

Also, you might be wondering why it checks to see if the player is alive so often - when the player dies the game requires access to the gear screen to count your mags and the ammo quantity, so we add a check for this to ensure the death script can see the gear dialog.

[] spawn {
    waitUntil { alive player };
    _coordToProtect = [0,1,2];
    while { alive player } do
        if ( (position player) distance _coordToProtect < 100 ) then {
            _gear = findDisplay 106;
            if ( !isNull _gear && alive player ) then {
                closeDialog 0;
                cutText ["Access to your gear is not permitted here", "PLAIN DOWN"];
        sleep 1;

Untested and written out in notepad while at work, might do the trick though :)
Thanks, I'll test it out later on this evening and let you know how I get on.
I take it that display 106 is the gear dialog window?
the problem with this approach is, that is doesnt block map -> unit -> gear.
u can also bypass it by selecting gear via menu and press at the same time ur gear (g) key.
only a matter of time until ur players are finding out.