[Discussion] Custom spawn points based on UID (UPDATED)

Finally got it, for being such a simple script, this one really took me for a loop. Not sure what finally made it work but I think it was:

Also make sure block all command menus is false:
BLOCK ALL CMDMenus */ _BCM = false;

Anyways, thankyou for all your help Ebay, I couldn't have done this one without you.

@gunner, he is right, you need to fix "your" script installation instructions. I appreciate your post, I would have never found this without it, but with all the scripts I have installed and modded, this has been the hardest to get to work.
look for player_spawn_2 in the dayz_code/system folder. Then copy and paste it into ur mission file and edit your init.sqf line that calls it so that it will call ur edited version. Now, lets edit ur version.

Open the player_spawn_2 and comment out this part at the bottom...

/*_myPos = player getVariable["lastPos",[]];
    if (count _myPos > 0) then {
        player setVariable["lastPos",_mylastPos, true];
        player setVariable["lastPos",[]];
    _lastPos = getPosATL player;
    if (!isNil "_mylastPos") then {
        if (player == vehicle player) then {   
            if (_mylastPos distance _lastPos > 200) then {
                if (alive player) then {
                    player setPosATL _mylastPos;
        } else {
            if (_mylastPos distance _lastPos > 800) then {
                if (alive player) then {
                    player setPosATL _mylastPos;

You can see where i used /* and */ to comment out a large section. Not sure if you knew about that. Let me know if you need anymore help with it.
look for player_spawn_2 in the dayz_code/system folder. Then copy and paste it into ur mission file and edit your init.sqf line that calls it so that it will call ur edited version. Now, lets edit ur version.

Open the player_spawn_2 and comment out this part at the bottom...

/*_myPos = player getVariable["lastPos",[]];
    if (count _myPos > 0) then {
        player setVariable["lastPos",_mylastPos, true];
        player setVariable["lastPos",[]];
    _lastPos = getPosATL player;
    if (!isNil "_mylastPos") then {
        if (player == vehicle player) then { 
            if (_mylastPos distance _lastPos > 200) then {
                if (alive player) then {
                    player setPosATL _mylastPos;
        } else {
            if (_mylastPos distance _lastPos > 800) then {
                if (alive player) then {
                    player setPosATL _mylastPos;

You can see where i used /* and */ to comment out a large section. Not sure if you knew about that. Let me know if you need anymore help with it.

yes, thank you! works.
I keep having problems with this after using it for a year. I'm trying to find the thread that shows how to make a proper trigger to see if that will work better.

The only way it works for me is if I turn off the AH's script scan. It always works for any defined admins.

Edit: Found out a way to fix my problem.
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