[Discussion] Taking a scripting break until v1.7.7's release. Time to collect some ideas.

Freaking Fred

OpenDayZ Rockstar!
For those who don't stay current with the latest DayZ news, v1.7.7 is planned to be released this upcoming Monday, June 10, 2013. Here is a link to the changes that are being implemented. After reading through the changes, I noticed that many of the new features are similar to scripts that I have been working on. Therefor, I decided to just take a break for the next few days and look over the 1.7.7 files before I continue releasing content.

So, I figured I would take this time to gather some information from the community. So many great addons have been created as a result of the work of this community. My question is, with so many great addons already out there and the new features being implement in 1.7.7, what is left to be done? Please feel free to discuss any ideas of new content that you would like to see created by this community.

Keep in mind, the purpose of this thread is to discuss ideas for new content. Please, refrain from requesting any help regarding adding or troubleshooting currently released content.
Something like a dual admin kill messages would be nice. Like if player X kills player Y, it would show the killer's name on the admin's screen, however the killer will still stay anonymous for the rest of the server (with the default, "Player Y has died" message). This would be beneficial for admins to be able to have an idea of who to keep an eye on (since hackers can kill many players in a typical day, and anonymity keeps them from being caught).

I didn't actually come up with this idea, someone else wanted to make this, but he has so much else to do that this wont ever be a priority so I figure it was too good of an idea to let die.
Absolutely not.

The Game is DayZ, the challenge is Survival,

The entire point of this game has been lost, not even 5 months after it's release.

If you WANT to enhance DayZ, you need to change the SCOPE of the game, not flavor.

Zombies need to SCARE PLAYERS, not HUMANS.

If Z-DAY ever happened in real life, the issues that DayZ have with PVP would remain the same.

With that in mind, and keeping in mind that only so much CAN be done with the scripting language of available commands and models/textures.. HERE is what you should focus on

CURRENCY/VALUE TO ITEMS: From the Lonely Empty Tin Can, to the AS50
It is essential among MANKIND. You give something value, and a pyramid of importance presents itself.

ZOMBIE DAMAGE/THREAT : They need to do MORE damage and be FASTER

The easiest part of dayz is understand that Zombie Pathing FORCES them to walk in buildings.
Take this away, and people will LOSE THEIR MINDS. You would fix DayZ ALONE with this, and ONLY this.

HIGHSCORE: HOW do we establish who the best DayZ player is? Kills?/Survival Days?/Zombies Killed?

Bring us back a SCOREBOARD and establish a point/humanity reward system, and people will have a REASON to try as hard as they do. (AKA, Are zombie kills more important than human death? WHO IS KING OF DAYZ?)

A survival game is immediately nerfed by the masses of an audience that is only equipped with the ridiculous knowledge that BF4, COD have allowed.

Reward players who achieve success by the virtue of what Rocket intended the game to be. Eating Food, Staying alive, while keeping your HUMANITY IN CHECK.



Find a way to fix the game, and you will be the most powerful person to touch the game since Rocket created it.

I doubt even Rocket has put into words these things that must be addressed.

I was just about to start writing code to make bloodbags have a velocity command and heal over time stood next to each other, and the food thing afeter working on food and drink buildings :( but then someone linked me to the new dayz release :(

and to the post above, only way zombies are gonna scare players is if they get smarter, and go headshot only :eek: the design on them in the mod is just wayyy to shit
If they were to increase the difficulty of zeds/make then Run faster everywhere and hit harder they would need to drastically improve the survivor movements and reactions. Not to mention a wider selection of Melee and "Self Defense" Items, which unfortunately is very hard to "Code" into Arma II.

Immersion is the key and they only way to achieve this correctly is with seemingly limitless possibilities in a post apocalyptic environment.

Once the stand alone is released I am hoping that continual updates and improvements will bring this over time.
I can assure you that, zeds will constantly beat the shit out of you in 1.7.7.
Just wait and see for yourself.
I would love to see something like what has said, a locked ammo box with a code to store stuff, something like origins houses that can store gear and be locked, nothing too overpowered etc.. I would love to see this and many others would too I am guessing
I would love to see something like this:
You can train some abilities. Like strength, stamina, resistence etc.
Stamina results in that you can run for a longer time and can aim faster after you run i.e. not so much shaking.
Strength that you get a bit more life (maybe 2-4k), maybe you can make it like the longer you survive the more blood you get (till a maximum)
Resistence mean that you have a lowered chance of getting infected, can be trained by getting infected often.

Or another feature you can mount/dismount weapons.
Like you got an m4a1 Holo dismounts it and got an m4a1 and a holo scope. And you can attach the holo scope to an m16a2 and got an m16a2 holo.

^I don't think this will be possible without client modification. The first idea could be possible, but don't know i'm just a little serveradmin.