DN | Epoch | www.dayznorway.com | Active admins | Triple Level Antihack | Private Hive | 500+ Vehicl


Well-Known Member

Norwegian DayZ Community looking for a few more players.
Free TS3 for everyone playing.
Friendly and active admins, contact us on ts3 if you have a problem!
NO pay2win or donor packs..

Web: DayZNorway
TS3: ts.dayznorway.com

- 30 Slot server (may increase dependant on popularity)
- 500+ vehicles including air vehicles
- Scheduled restarts every 4 hours
- Anti crash & full server reboot once a day to keep it as lag free as possible.
- TS3 free to join (want a channel for your clan? Shoot me a pm on ts.)
- Active and friendly admins
- Beast antihack
- Debug monitor (toggable.)
- Custom building loot,tags within 5m, refuel from fuel stations, towing & lift, self bloodbag+++
- Custom map additions (not implemented yet.)

Norwegian & English only in chat. No voice in side. (disabled anyway.) General common sence.
For the rest check the link -> Rules

Server IP:

Server name:
DN | Epoch | www.dayznorway.com | Active admins | Triple Level Antihack | Private Hive | 500+ Vehicles | 100/100 uplink | SSD | V1.0.2.3/103718 | Veteran | 3DP:ON | CH:ON | UTC-1 |