Duplicating Gear


Well-Known Member
There's a glitch some people are abusing that allows you to make a copy of yourself when you log out and back again.
Is there any workaround to prevent this, or at least preventing the duped body to be looted?
got the same problem ;) seems to be a problem with the skin change on connecting to the server.

on my server only bandits/heroes/ghillies and camos are able to do that !
Sure. I have been away from the game for awhile, but I remember when you'd log out, there would be an animation that effectively was forcing your character to switch to your main weapon if you had your pistol in hand.
It doesn't do that anymore.
Perhaps there's a workaround to make it so you can't log off if you have pistol in hand? Hmm, but that would be awkward if your only weapon is a pistol...

Nobody has any ideas? This is a very major bug in the game if people can just dupe their gear over and over. :(
So there's a fix you can do in the dayz_server/compile/server_onPlayerDisconnect.sqf file.

if (!isNull _playerObj) then {
// log disconnect
_characterID = _playerObj getVariable["characterID", "?"];
_timeout = _playerObj getVariable["combattimeout",0];
_timeout = _timeout - time;
diag_log format["Player UID#%1 CID#%2 %3 as %4, logged off at %5%6",getPlayerUID _playerObj, _characterID, _playerObj call fa_plr2str, typeOf _playerObj, (getPosATL _playerObj) call fa_coor2str,
if ((!isNil "_timeout") AND {(_timeout > 0)}) then {" while in combat"} else {""}

Doesn't seem to work on my server. Can anyone see why this wouldn't work?
Yes, I'm aware there are other ways people can dupe. But at least this way, we won't have a bunch of bodies standing around all over the server for just anybody to loot. Plus, this is the most common method.
Then we can look at fixing the other issues.

I have the pieces to get this to work. I just don't have the scripting skills to sew it all together.
Kind of wish there were more talented people out there willing to help this game move forward. As broken as the game is now, it's no wonder people are going away.
I care about this game. Unfortunately, I cannot save it alone.
Same issue here. I've been catching people duping bodies in tress and using Urals and buses to hide large groups of bodies. I have set my servers to restart every 3 hours in hopes to keep the numbers down. Having some tools to catch players committing the act really helps too.