Dynamic Grid Spawning Question


New Member

With the dynamic grid spawning system, As I understand it, it will spawn default groups (based on a default probability) within each grid, everytime a player, or new player enters it? So every part of the map can potentially have AI? And these default values are overridden for places like elektro etc...

My question is, how does the AI actually spawn within the grid box? Is it completely random? Or are there defined positions where they spawn? I presume it is random, so you can see AI anywhere in that grid?

i have a simalar question/questions #1 i get complaints about AI spawning right in front of players and mowing them down.and have witnessed it myself i lowered their aiming capabilitys to half(actaully more human now anyway).is there a part in the sarge config to change this to a minimum of 100m from player? #2 what exactly is the deffinition of dynamic spawning AI?, i cant find what that actually means so i dont understand the true false of the code(changeing codes without at least a basic understanding is bad lmao) any help would be just f in lovely