DZAI Gameplay Feedback


New Member
Seriously great AI addon. It's pretty much the backbone of my server. One thing that my players are noticing though is that when the server has a low pop (2-3 players) they are getting hunted by the dynamic spawns constantly. I'm guessing it's the result of the script going through a short array of players. I noticed you have a statement for max players but is there a value or configuration I can set that will keep the dynamic spawns from either happening at all at low populations or at least really spread out the amount of time between them? Is there an if statement somewhere, like a: if(_playersOn < 3) etc...?

Thanks in advance.

last chance epoch
In an upcoming update I plan on doubling the required amount of time for a guaranteed AI spawn to 1 hour. To do this yourself, edit line 22 of /scripts/dynamicSpawn_manager.sqf to read this:

_maxSpawnTime = ((SLEEP_DELAY + 0.5*(SLEEP_VARY)) * 8);

The minimum amount of time per spawn cycle is 5 minutes, so to calculate the approximate % probability at any point in time, use this formula:

% spawn probability = (time since last spawn in minutes) / 60 minutes

So your % probability will be increasing by roughly 8% every 5 minutes (or 1.6% per minute) and reset to 0% each time a spawn happens.