DZMS Missions


New Member

I am using DZMS for a day right now and i asked to myself if there are more downloadable missions.
Because EMS (Epoch Mission System) Has arround 25 missions. and DZMS has only 12.
are there downloadable missions for DZMS or is there a way to convert the EMS missions to DZMS?

Running Epoch Chernarus
Convert.. No.

Create yourself? Pretty easy.

First of all you want to add your mission to the mission list, which you can find in DZMSConfig.sqf:

Example without custom Missions:
DZMSMajorArray = ["SM1","SM2","SM3","SM4","SM5","SM6"];
DZMSMinorArray = ["SM1","SM2","SM3","SM4","SM5","SM6"];

Example with custom Missions:
DZMSMajorArray = ["SM1","SM2","SM3","SM4","SM5","SM6","SM7","DT1","GX2"];
DZMSMinorArray = ["SM1","SM2","SM3","SM4","SM5","SM6","SM7","DT1","GX2"];

Now you create the Files: SM7.sqf, DT1.sqf, GX2.sqf and fill them with this Template:

Mission Template by MK
private ["_missName","_coords","_crash","_crate","_crate1","_crate2"];

//Name of the Mission -> CHANGE
_missName = "MISSION NAME";

//DZMSFindPos loops BIS_fnc_findSafePos until it gets a valid result -> DO NOT CHANGE
_coords = call DZMSFindPos;

//White message, when mission starts -> CHANGE
[nil,nil,rTitleText,"EXAMPLE TEXT!", "PLAIN",10] call RE;

//DZMSAddMinMarker is a simple script that adds a marker to the location -> DO NOT CHANGE
[_coords,_missName] ExecVM DZMSAddMinMarker;

//We create the scenery -> CHANGE
//_uniqueName = createVehicle ["VEH_NAME",[COORDS+COORD ADJUSTMENT (X), COORDS-COORD ADJUSTMENT (Y),COORDS(Z / Height - mostly 0)],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_base1 = createVehicle ["Land_kulna",[(_coords select 0) + 5.4585, (_coords select 1) - 2.885,0],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
//Set Facing Direction
_base1 setDir -28.282881;
//Set Position (Must not be same as in createVehicle, can be different)
_base1 setPos [(_coords select 0) + 5.4585, (_coords select 1) - 2.885,0];

//DZMSProtectObj prevents it from disappearing -> CHANGE
[_base1,_uniqueName] call DZMSProtectObj;

//Add and fill the boxes -> CHANGE
_crate = createVehicle ["USLaunchersBox",[(_coords select 0) + 3, _coords select 1,0],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
[_crate,"supply"] ExecVM DZMSBoxSetup;
[_crate] call DZMSProtectObj;

//DZMSAISpawn spawns AI to the mission.
//Usage: [_coords, count, skillLevel, unitArray]
[_coords,3,0,"DZMSUnitsMinor"] call DZMSAISpawn;
sleep 1;
[_coords,3,0,"DZMSUnitsMinor"] call DZMSAISpawn;
sleep 1;
[_coords,3,0,"DZMSUnitsMinor"] call DZMSAISpawn;
sleep 1;
[_coords,3,0,"DZMSUnitsMinor"] call DZMSAISpawn;
sleep 1;

//Wait until the player is within 30 meters and also meets the kill req
[_coords,"DZMSUnitsMinor"] call DZMSWaitMissionComp;

//Let everyone know the mission is over -> CHANGE
[nil,nil,rTitleText,"EXAMPLE TEXT 2!", "PLAIN",6] call RE;
diag_log text format["[DZMS]: Minor SM6 Weapons Truck Mission has Ended."];
deleteMarker "DZMSMinMarker";
deleteMarker "DZMSMinDot";

//Let the timer know the mission is over
DZMSMinDone = true;