[Epoch] Disabling required plot to build!


New Member
I just want to return back old update when the plot pole was not required to build houses.
Players die very often in the game and they need to destroy the placed plot and put new one just to add something new or make a maintain... It`s really anoying... So I just want to disable the 1.0.3 update which includes the plot pole to build!

P.S Sorry if there already was a treat about this, I could not find it :(

I found out that in the Dayz_Code there is a file under Actions that says Player_Build and you can just turn change it to Plot_Required = 0
then just upload it to just repack the PBO and its done
Your problem isn't what you think it is...
If you have DZE_requireplot = 0; in your init.sqf then your server does not require plots.
However, if your players still have a plot down and they die they will not be able to build in that area without picking it up and redropping it.

Here is the fix for that, as well as removing anything you have built previously even after death. This trigger when put into the database will make it so that everything you have previously built will be updated to your new characterID upon death. Thus no more picking up and dropping your plot poles :)
