Epoch - possible reason why map config being ignored?


Well-Known Member
EDIT EDIT EDIT - Please ignore the post below, or read it as proof of how crap I can be :D All fixed, it was me, missing a closing [ :p
Hi Sarge, sorry for not replying to the other thread yet!

Just a quick question. I'm noticing my map settings are ignored largely, and the default config file is used... Now, I wondering, as I'm running Epoch, could the script be failing to use my chernarus config file, due to the worldname? I wanted to check before posting here, but wasn't sure where I find the worldname :D

This is the code I'm refering to, from SAR_AI_init.sqf (not changed it, was just being nosey :D)
switch (_worldname) do {
        case "chernarus":
            #include "map_config\SAR_cfg_grid_chernarus.sqf"
        case "tavi":
            #include "map_config\SAR_cfg_grid_tavi.sqf"

So, where it has a condition to check what world I am running, would it detect Epoch as chernarus?

If not, would that cause the SAR_config file be used as a default?

Like I say, I would check it myself, but I don't know how to check my worldname :D

Thanks :)
Scratch the above!

From the rpt:
15:06:31  Error Missing ]
15:06:31 File mpmissions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\addons\SARGE\map_config\SAR_cfg_grps_chernarus.sqf, line 73
15:06:31 Bad lock radius 144.813
15:06:31 Bad lock radius 86.8879
15:06:31 Bad lock radius 86.8879
15:06:31 Bad lock radius 144.813
15:06:31 "----------------------------------------"
15:06:31 "Starting SAR_AI version 1.5.0 on a dedicated Server"
15:06:31 "----------------------------------------"
15:06:32 "Setting up SAR_AI for : chernarus"
15:06:32 "SAR_AI: dynamic Area & Trigger definition Started"
15:06:32 Bad lock radius 144.813
15:06:32 Bad lock radius 86.8879
15:06:32 Error in expression <select 3;
So, it IS seeing that epoch is chernarus :p

EDIT EDIT EDIT - I have been such an eeediot! Missed a closing ] tag. My bad 100% :( Sorry for the time wasting!!!