Error in expression <( (count needUpdate_objects) > 0 && (time-_lastNe>


Well-Known Member
Sup guys

I get this error when i launch my server:
15:59:47 Error in expression <( (count needUpdate_objects) > 0 && (time-_lastNe>
15:59:47 Error position: <needUpdate_objects) > 0 && (time-_lastNe>
15:59:47 Error Undefined variable in expression: needupdate_objects
... 50 times

Pretty sure this is in my updateObject.sqf in compiles but im not sure.
I even did a fresh of my updateobject and got this.
Any ideas?
After searching on the windows search needUpdate_objects, i found its in the cleanup FSM. i'll have a look and get back to you.
I've seen that before when you join without waiting for the timeout... try restart and wait for timeout.
    class update_objects
      name = "update_objects";
      init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"diag_log format[""DEBUG: needUpdate_objects=%1"",needUpdate_objects];" \n
      "{" \n
      "//    _x setVariable [""needUpdate"",false,true];" \n
      "    needUpdate_objects = needUpdate_objects - [_x];" \n
      "    [_x,""all""] call server_updateObject;" \n
      "" \n
      "} forEach needUpdate_objects;" \n
Line 243 cleanup fsm
any ideas? cant find it...

EDIT: Putted it in a code spoiler because im smart like that.
heres mine they look the same...
class update_objects
      name = "update_objects";
      init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"diag_log format[""DEBUG: needUpdate_objects=%1"",needUpdate_objects];" \n
      "{" \n
      "//    _x setVariable [""needUpdate"",false,true];" \n
      "    needUpdate_objects = needUpdate_objects - [_x];" \n
      "    [_x,""all""] call server_updateObject;" \n
      "" \n
      "} forEach needUpdate_objects;" \n
I think it might be the fact i used dayz yesterday for doing cinematics..
lemme try this with the actual version haha
Dude, always when i have problems with stuff and ask friends/ a community, i miss the most obvious stuff...