error in server_onplayerdisconnect.sqf


New Member
This error pops up and disconnects users randomly

18:12:40 Error in expression <layerObj getVariable["combattimeout",0] - time;
diag_log format["Player UID#%1 C>
18:12:40  Error position: <- time;
diag_log format["Player UID#%1 C>
18:12:40  Error Generic error in expression
18:12:40 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_onPlayerDisconnect.sqf, line 21
18:12:40 Error in expression <layerObj getVariable["combattimeout",0] - time;
diag_log format["Player UID#%1 C>
18:12:40  Error position: <- time;
diag_log format["Player UID#%1 C>
18:12:40  Error Generic error in expression
18:12:40 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_onPlayerDisconnect.sqf, line 21

This is my sqf and how it shows:

#include "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_toggle_debug.hpp"
private ["_playerObj","_myGroup","_id","_playerUID","_playerName","_characterID","_playerIDtoarray","_timeout"];
_playerUID = _this select 0;
_playerName = _this select 1;
_playerObj = nil;
    if (getPlayerUID _x == _playerUID) exitWith { _playerObj = _x; };
} forEach    playableUnits;
if (isNil "_playerObj") exitWith {
    diag_log format["%1: nil player object, _this:%2", __FILE__, _this];
if (!isNull _playerObj) then {
// log disconnect
    _characterID = _playerObj getVariable["characterID", "?"];
    _timeout = _playerObj getVariable["combattimeout",0] - time;
    diag_log format["Player UID#%1 CID#%2 %3 as %4, logged off at %5%6",
        getPlayerUID _playerObj, _characterID, _playerObj call fa_plr2str, typeOf _playerObj,
        (getPosATL _playerObj) call fa_coor2str,
        if (_timeout > 0) then {" while in combat"} then {""}
//Update Vehicle
    if (vehicle _playerObj != _playerObj) then {
        _playerObj action ["eject", vehicle _playerObj];
    { [_x,"gear"] call server_updateObject } foreach
        (nearestObjects [getPosATL _playerObj, ["Car", "Helicopter", "Motorcycle", "Ship", "TentStorage", "StashSmall", "StashMedium"], 10]);
    if (alive _playerObj) then {
        //[_playerObj,(magazines _playerObj),true,(unitBackpack _playerObj)] call server_playerSync;
        [_playerObj,[],true] call server_playerSync;
        _myGroup = group _playerObj;
        deleteVehicle _playerObj;
        deleteGroup _myGroup;

It says error for line 21. but this is the vanilla file for
This is the compile call for my server_function.sqf
server_onPlayerDisconnect = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_onPlayerDisconnect.sqf";

Any idea how to fix?
Replace your file with:
#include "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_toggle_debug.hpp"
private ["_playerObj","_myGroup","_id","_playerUID","_playerName","_characterID","_playerIDtoarray","_timeout"];
_playerUID = _this select 0;
_playerName = _this select 1;
_playerObj = nil;
    if (getPlayerUID _x == _playerUID) exitWith { _playerObj = _x; };
} forEach    playableUnits;
if (isNil "_playerObj") exitWith {
    diag_log format["%1: nil player object, _this:%2", __FILE__, _this];
if (!isNull _playerObj) then {
// log disconnect
    _characterID = _playerObj getVariable["characterID", "?"];
    _timeout = _playerObj getVariable["combattimeout",0];
    _timeout = _timeout - time;
    diag_log format["Player UID#%1 CID#%2 %3 as %4, logged off at %5%6",
        getPlayerUID _playerObj, _characterID, _playerObj call fa_plr2str, typeOf _playerObj,
        (getPosATL _playerObj) call fa_coor2str,
        if (_timeout > 0) then {" while in combat"} else {""}
//Update Vehicle
    if (vehicle _playerObj != _playerObj) then {
        _playerObj action ["eject", vehicle _playerObj];
    { [_x,"gear"] call server_updateObject } foreach
        (nearestObjects [getPosATL _playerObj, ["Car", "Helicopter", "Motorcycle", "Ship", "TentStorage", "StashSmall", "StashMedium"], 10]);
    if (alive _playerObj) then {
        [_playerObj,[],true] call server_playerSync;
        _myGroup = group _playerObj;
        deleteVehicle _playerObj;
        deleteGroup _myGroup;

This also fixes the duping bug.