Getting this error a lot sarge.


Well-Known Member
_heli = createVehicle [(SAR_heli_type call BIS_f>
12:33:38 Error position: <createVehicle [(SAR_heli_type call BIS_f>
12:33:38 Error Type Any, expected String
12:33:38 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.chernarus\addons\SARGE\SAR_setup_AI_patrol_heli.sqf, line 123
12:33:38 Error in expression <le ["SAR_protect",true,true];

5 instances of that error on server restart.
let me see your SAR_config file (the heli config part at the bottom), looks like you have a bug in your heli definitions.
it was something stupid..i been modding for last 6 hours.. starting to make stupid mistakes.
in my init.

instead of
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\compiles.sqf";

i had
fnc_usec_selfActions = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\fn_selfActions.sqf";

(when i was getting that error i originally posted about, server wouldnt complete its initial loadup process, it was hanging.. and the only error i saw was the sarge script. its always something stupid.. its the little things.)

good you fixed it. keep in mind what i wrote, you still have an error in your heli definition :)
sleep well, this was the wrong file :)

sar_config.sqf is what i am interested in :)
sry i really dont want to dig through your pbo's, thats your job.

verify that your init.sqf is correct, recheck the rpt, enable debug levels etc ...

I am 100% sure that my code is correct and bugfree, so you need to check your configurations.
no like i said its working fine. the reason it didnt work is because i had a line of messed up script in my init.
and i did check the pbo ... never seen a messed up pbo like this, hope this is not a server provider requiring these like that.

In the cherno.pbo, you got a missions and a server.pbo, as well as the extracted directories.

something is doubled in there.

And at least in my server build, server and missions pbo is seperate.