Hacker boxes - Medical box


Well-Known Member

There probably is loads of threads on the subject.But kinda hard to find what im curious about.

First a bit of my setup, i run DayZ Control Center, publicvariable file has been modded to not detect any weapons as i use SilentWarrior's anti hack tool to detect such things.

I have a problem where hackers spawn in what appears to be a medical box. But the box contains 5 of each weapon/item in the game.

So if a hacker spawns in such a box in the middle of the woods somewhere, is this something that will be logged somehow somewhere? If so, what do i look for?

Also on a sidenote; if theres any of you that have experience with silentwarriors tool, do u get alot of false positives on teleports?

Hopefully there is someone willing to share some knowledge on the subject.
All help much appreciated!

I've noticed one or two of these slipping through my code, writing code today to detect them.
They use addweaponcargo, addmagazinecargo and/or addbackpackcargo so they should be pretty easy to see;

Found alot there, any way to make them get an auto ban/kick? Also see alot of players acquiring 10x ammo for different guns with like 1-2 minutes between each log appearance. Is that also a confirmed hack?
As a simple solution, you could make a file parser that reads the files lines and counts the amount of occurrences of certain items for each person, and take action based on its findings, but that is only an external solution that gets rectified after the action has happened which is no use. I will see about writing a box destroyer method which should be easy enough to work for private servers.
As a simple solution, you could make a file parser that reads the files lines and counts the amount of occurrences of certain items for each person, and take action based on its findings, but that is only an external solution that gets rectified after the action has happened which is no use. I will see about writing a box destroyer method which should be easy enough to work for private servers.

A box destroyer would be fantastic. Would help me a ton, and i bet alot of other server hosters. :)
yeah I got a medical box yesterday. kind of bummed hoping to figure out how to stop it
lately hackers have been going absolutely rampant on my servers.
Same here, tho the active admins do help. I mostly have to check the logs and stuff myself :\ Alooooooot of work.
    /*%FSM<STATE "check_for_hacker">*/
    class check_for_hacker
      name = "check_for_hacker";
      init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"//Check for hackers" \n
      " {" \n
      "    if(vehicle _x != _x) then {" \n
      "        if  (!(vehicle _x in _safety) && ((typeOf vehicle _x) != ""ParachuteWest"")) then {" \n
      "            diag_log (""CLEANUP: KILLING A HACKER "" + (name _x) + "" "" + str(_x) + "" IN "" + (typeOf vehicle _x));" \n
      "            (vehicle _x) setDamage 1;" \n
      "            _x setDamage 1;" \n
      "        };" \n
      "    } else {" \n
      "        if (isPlayer _x) then {" \n
      "            _boxes = nearestObjects [_x, [""MedBox0"", ""AmmoBoxBig"", ""USBasicWeapons_EP1"", ""USBasicAmmunitionBox_EP1"", ""UNBasicWeapons_EP1"", ""UNBasicAmmunitionBox_EP1"", ""USLaunchers_EP1"", ""USVehicleBox_EP1"", ""USSpecialWeapons_EP1"", ""LocalBasicAmmunitionBox"", ""Gunrack2"", ""Gunrack1"", ""RULaunchersBox"", ""RUBasicWeaponsBox"", ""RUBasicAmmunitionBox"", ""LocalBasicWeaponsBox"", ""RUSpecialWeaponsBox"", ""USBasicWeaponsBox"", ""USVehicleBox"", ""RUVehicleBox"", ""USSpecialWeaponsBox"", ""SpecialWeaponsBox"", ""USLaunchersBox"", ""TKVehicleBox_EP1"", ""TKSpecialWeapons_EP1"", ""TKOrdnanceBox_EP1"", ""TKLaunchers_EP1"", ""TKBasicWeapons_EP1"", ""TKBasicAmmunitionBox_EP1"", ""GunrackUS_EP1"", ""GunrackTK_EP1"", ""GuerillaCacheBox_EP1"", ""GERBasicWeapons_EP1"", ""CZBasicWeapons_EP1"", ""AmmoCrates_NoInteractive_Small"", ""AmmoCrates_NoInteractive_Medium"", ""AmmoCrate_NoInteractive_"", ""GuerillaCacheBox"", ""USBasicAmmunitionBox"", ""USOrdnanceBox_EP1"", ""RUOrdnanceBox"", ""AmmoBoxSmall_556"", ""AmmoBoxSmall_762"", ""ItemMatchbox"", ""ItemToolbox"", ""CardBoardBox"", ""FoodBox1"", ""FoodBox2"",""FoodBox3""], 50];" \n
      "            {" \n
      "                _box = _x;" \n
      "                _weap =  getWeaponCargo _box;" \n
      "                _players_nearby = _box nearEntities [""CAManBase"", 50];" \n
      "                if (str(_weap) != '[[],[]]') then {" \n
      "                    diag_log(""pyBEscanner -  Hack Box - "" + str(_players_nearby));" \n
      "                    {" \n
      "                        diag_log(""pyBEscanner - Hack Box - "" + str(_box distance _x) + "" - "" + str(_x));" \n
      "                    } forEach _players_nearby;" \n
      "                    deleteVehicle _box;" \n
      "                    diag_log (""pyBEscanner -  Hack Box - Weapons list is "" + str(_box) + "" "" + str(_weap));" \n
      "                    diag_log(""pyBEscanner -  Hack Box - Deleting cheat box"");" \n
      "                    diag_log(""pyBEscanner - Hack Box - End"");" \n
      "                };" \n
      "            } forEach _boxes;" \n
      "        };" \n
      "    };" \n
      " } forEach allUnits;"/*%FSM</STATEINIT""">*/;

Was something i was messing with in server cleanup fsm...
Its based of other people work, the old anti-cheat fsm (can't remember the author).

It checks the listed box types with 50 metres of a player.
It does a http://resources.bisimulations.com/wiki/getWeaponCargo on the box and if anything is found it.
It list all players with 50 metres & their distance from the box.
Lists the weapon contains of the box
Deletes the box

Note:- I cant remember if i removed standard ammoboxs from spawning or are they ok since only ammo in side them.
It would get triggered if people put a weapon / item into a medbox i.e throw a knife into medbox & medbox gets deleted.
I have used the above code. it's included in an old antihack script you run on the client side. Problem with it is that it also removes medboxes at heli spawn and hospitals.
The code bit i pasted.
Won't delete medboxs unless a player drops something into the box i.e a weapon / item like a compass...

Believe the old code ran client side...
Tthe code i pasted i added server side into the cleanup fsm in the hacker section...
That way got it to diag_log output into the server rpt logs
 _players_nearby = _box nearEntities [AllPlayers, 50];" \n

should that line not be

 _players_nearby = _box nearEntities [All, 50];" \n
not sure if there is an "allplayers"
It should be ""CAManBase"" instead of AllPlayers

AllPlayers = a new variable with different player models in the dayz code for 1.7.5
Was running some custom code in the server at the time, with a bunch of stuff from new dayz...

Still working on get my new servers back up & running atm..

Edit: replaced AllPlayers with ""CAManBase"" in the code in previous post.
@Torndeco; Would you mind terribly lookin at the pastebin i posted to see if its correct? If wrong, maybe you could fix it for me? :)