HALO Jump Tutorial - Simplified

If you are using the anti-anti-hax, you will need to add the actions to exceptions or you won't get the pull chute option...

I have included: bis_fnc_halo_action, s_halo_action, bis_fnc_halo, bis_fnc_halo_keydown

and this seems to fix the disappearing pull chute option I was having...
i had this working fine but now i cant get it to work in any chopper :(

would anyone mind having a look at my pbo for me pls as have added other scripts and really dont know where to start looking :(
Can you just tell us what to add in Server_cleanup and object because i run namalsk and i dont want to mess it up? Or will it still work just fine

Find this:

    class waiting
      name = "waiting";
      init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"//diag_log ""CLEANUP: Waiting for next task"";" \n

Replace with:

    class waiting
      name = "waiting";
      init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"//diag_log ""CLEANUP: Waiting for next task"";" \n
  "private [""_payload"", ""_interval"",""_delay""];" \n
       "{" \n
       "_payload = _x select 0;" \n
       "_interval = _x select 1;" \n
       "_delay = _x select 2;" \n
       "if (time - _delay > _interval && _interval != -1) then {" \n
       "[nil, nil, rSPAWN, [_crier, _payload], { (_this select 0) globalChat (_this select 1) }] call RE;" \n
       "if (_interval == 0) then {" \n
       "_msgList set [_forEachIndex, [_payload, -1, time]];" \n
       "} else {" \n
       "_msgList set [_forEachIndex, [_payload, _interval, time]];" \n
       "};" \n
       "};" \n
       "} forEach _msgList;"/*%FSM</STATEINIT""">*/;
I'm getting these errors after implementing the servercleanup script:

} forEach _msgList;>
17:29:22 Error position: <_msgList;>
17:29:22 Error Undefined variable in expression: _msglist
17:29:22 Error in expression <oad, _interval, time]];

Other posts on this forum suggest to just remove the affecting lines.

Any idea?
I'm getting these errors after implementing the servercleanup script:

} forEach _msgList;>
17:29:22 Error position: <_msgList;>
17:29:22 Error Undefined variable in expression: _msglist
17:29:22 Error in expression <oad, _interval, time]];

Other posts on this forum suggest to just remove the affecting lines.

Any idea?

Ok never mind I just removed the code where you say to adjust the server_monitor.sqm. I don't know what the impact is but everything works and I made a successful HALO jump already, thanks!
has anyone managed to work out why it only works some of the time? I can have the halo jump showing in the list, then log out and log back in and it wont show any more. its just pot luck if its there or not :(
has anyone managed to work out why it only works some of the time? I can have the halo jump showing in the list, then log out and log back in and it wont show any more. its just pot luck if its there or not :(

Idk so far it works every time on my server and for everybody but we only jumped 3-4 times so far, works from chopper and airplane.

However I'm using with Taviana so might be a difference there.
has anyone managed to work out why it only works some of the time? I can have the halo jump showing in the list, then log out and log back in and it wont show any more. its just pot luck if its there or not :(
If i'm understanding this correctly, the option to HALO jump is inconsistent for you? If that's the problem I can help you with it. I also had this problem so I wrote my own method of flagging the option. What you'll have to do to use it is add this to your init
if (!isDedicated) then {
    [] execVM "WHATEVERFOLDERYOUPUTITIN\haloaction.sqf";

then make a new file called haloaction.sqf and copy the following into it then put it into your pbo
private ["_vehicle", "_halo_jump_id"];
//Made by Rave because he is a cool guy
_vehicle = objNull;
while {true} do
    if (!isNull player) then {
        private ["_currentVehicle", "_jumpheight"];
                _jumpheight = (getPosATL player select 2) > 50;
                _currentVehicle = vehicle player;
        if (_vehicle != _currentVehicle) then {
            if (!isNull _vehicle) then {
                _vehicle removeAction _halo_jump_id;
                _vehicle = objNull;
            if (_currentVehicle != player && _jumpheight && (_currentVehicle isKindof "Air")) then {
                _vehicle = _currentVehicle;
                _halo_jump_id = _vehicle addAction [("<t color=""#FF9800"">" + ("HALO Jump") + "</t>"), "WHATEVERFOLDERYOUPUTITIN\jump.sqf",[],-1,false,true,"",""];
        if ((_currentVehicle isKindof "Air") && !_jumpheight) then {
            _vehicle removeAction _halo_jump_id;
            _vehicle = objNull;
    sleep 2;

Note: you will have to change the WHATEVERFOLDERYOUPUTITIN bits to make it work

Now if you want to change the height the HALO jump options shows up you'll have to find
_jumpheight = (getPosATL player select 2) > 50;
and change the 50 to whatever height you'd like
thanks for the help ravey but unfortunately it didnt work :(

I think, its not confirmed but i think it only works on the first time i log into the server after a restart.
thanks for the help ravey but unfortunately it didnt work :(

I think, its not confirmed but i think it only works on the first time i log into the server after a restart.

After testing it for a while I can confirm this now. It doesn't always work, it's very inconsistent. Sometimes it works for the pilot, but not for the passenger. Sometimes it works on the C130 but not in the U1H1. Sometimes it doesn't work at all, then you do something else like repair a chopper and suddenly it starts working again.

This is on Taviana btw
you better read this and learn to understand the filter system instead of disabling whole lines of them...
opening door and gate for cheaters...

mhm if i do that i got this problem (to add the script]

"filmic" set>
12:40:08 Error Missing ;
12:40:08 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.chernarus\init.sqf, line 27
12:40:08 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf not found
12:40:08 Error in expression <ocessFileLineNumbers "compiles.sqf"
progressLoadingScreen 1.0;

"filmic" set>
12:40:09 Error Missing ;
12:40:09 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.chernarus\init.sqf, line 27
12:40:09 Error in expression <ocessFileLineNumbers "compiles.sqf"
progressLoadingScreen 1.0;

"filmic" set>
12:40:09 Error position: <progressLoadingScreen 1.0;

"filmic" set>
12:40:09 Error Missing ;
12:40:09 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.chernarus\init.sqf, line 27
12:42:18 Client: Remote object 2:5 not found
12:42:18 Client: Remote object 2:6 not found
12:42:18 Client: Remote object 2:7 not found

anyone knows how to fix that?
cause of that all player get the log in message "Something went wrong, pls try again!"
I was a little confused by the last part:

"open dayz_server.pbo and replace these files :
replace them with attached (change extention of the server_cleanup.fsm.txt to .fsm !)"

How should I go about this?
I added this to Panthera and it's giving me a strange bug. You can jump fine, but after you pull the chute, the chute disappears and you fall to the ground...

Any ideas as to why this may be happening or where I should be looking?

You didnt switch the server_cleanup.txt to .fsm at last.

My problem:

I simply don't have the option, any ideas?