HALO Spawn Altimeter..

I'd sure try it out if HALO spawn worked for me. How did you get it running with 1.7.7?
I'd sure try it out if HALO spawn worked for me. How did you get it running with 1.7.7?

OO ya sorry forgot to mention. I made this a few dayz ago and was testing it. I am in the process of updating my test and deployed servers to 1.7.7. Just backing everything up now. Will let you know how it goes when I'm done.
its simple...do everything in the halo jump spawn tutorial...

but swap
waitUntil { !isNil ("dayz_Totalzedscheck")

waitUntil { !isNil ("dayz_animalCheck")

Battleye...i forget which setting it is to allow the jumps, just play around till you find it.

you also don't need to change the player_monitor.fsm. now just comment out the
"// "[] execVM ""\z\addons\dayz_code\system\antihack.sqf"";" \n
on the init.sqf
Thank you, dunx1976

I havn't got around to editing my 1.7.7 files yet... but if changing the Totalzedcheck to animalCheck works, then sure.. why not.
Ya so I have updated to 1.7.7 and the Halo spawn is not working. I used version 1 and changed dayz_Totalzedscheck to dayz_animalCheck like dunx suggested. made all the appropriate changes and no dice.... Will keep at it and updated this tread as needed.
You also need to go through your battleye configs, try to find the conflicting section. my guess its in the remote exec .txt... but im not 100% sure
Na. I am running this on my test server. Battleye is active but I removed all the filters untill I have eveything running then I will modify the filters as needed. I have been using the internal halo files, gonna try option 2 and use the one modded by the community. I'll let you know ho wit goes.
OK So I got the HALO spawn working on 1.7.7. It seems that the built in HALO function is disabled or something. I changed "dayz_Totalzedscheck" to "dayz_animalCheck" as dunx recommended. I also used option 2 from the link above and it is working as it should.....
Is there a way I can adjust a debug monitor to update as quickly as the altimeter does?
Also, thanks for this, works really well! Even on
Is there a way I can adjust a debug monitor to update as quickly as the altimeter does?
Also, thanks for this, works really well! Even on

I noticed the other day if I hold the insert key and bring up the debug monitor, as long as the key is pressed it updates in real time. If you use something like
while {true} do {
hintSilent parseText format [" your code",];
on the always on version of the debug monitor it should update all the time. I have no idea how this will affect performance though. The altimeter is set to run
_myalt = (round(getPosATL player select 2));
while {(_myalt) > 0} do {
hintSilent parseText format
["blah blah altimeter stuff",];
_myalt = (round(getPosATL player select 2));
This updates the altitude at the end of the loop so it just goes until _myalt is 0.

So as long as you have something to make the statement true the hint will be displayed and updated. On the other hand you could probably have it loop on a count. I have a link here somewhere, will post it when I find it.

Found the link, I was going to use something like this to loop the altimeter untill I realized I could just set it to the height above terrain.

So I threw this together quickly from that code. Should work with any Hint. This one just uses the basic debug.

//Loop DayZ Debug w/ live stats.
private ["_displayCount","_n"];
// Settings
_displayCount = -1;
//Number of seconds too loop for
_n    = 45; 
// Display hint for _n seconds
while {(_displayCount) < (_n)} do {
hintSilent parseText format ["
    <t size='1.20' font='Bitstream' color='#5882FA'>%1</t><br/><br/>
    <t size='1.20' font='Bitstream' color='#5882FA'>Survived %7 Days</t><br/><br/>
    <t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Zombies Killed: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%2</t><br/>
    <t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Headshots: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%3</t><br/>
    <t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Murders: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%4</t><br/>
    <t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Bandits Killed: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%5</t><br/><br/>
    <t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Humanity: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%6</t><br/><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Blood: </t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%9</t><br/>
    <t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' color='#DF0101'>LevelGamers.net</t><br/>",
    (name player),
    (player getVariable['zombieKills', 0]),
    (player getVariable['headShots', 0]),
    (player getVariable['humanKills', 0]),
    (player getVariable['banditKills', 0]),
    (player getVariable['humanity', 0]),
_displayCount = _displayCount + 1;
// Delay hint redisplay for 1 second adding 1 to the count until 45
sleep 1;
//hint at the end to prevent the natural hint time out.
hintSilent "";
Yeah, I got it working :) Thank you very much! Flawless.

EDIT: I have noticed however it is decreasing FPS by quite a bit, players who usually run at about 60FPS are running at 10FPS.. I'll try slowing it down with a sleep command
Yeah, I got it working :) Thank you very much! Flawless.

EDIT: I have noticed however it is decreasing FPS by quite a bit, players who usually run at about 60FPS are running at 10FPS.. I'll try slowing it down with a sleep command

Ya I have noticed the FPS drop also, I don't think the debug fps variable is entirely accurate, but then again I don't know all that much as it is. Still a learning process for me.
how could i get this to work for just normal halo jump so from a heli?

You should be able to have it run whith the jump init, I havn't checked out the from vehicle halo jump yet. I will have a quick look and see. It should be a matter of placing" [] execVM "scripts\altimeter.sqf"; " when the jump is called.
I havn't tried it yet, but put it in the jump.sqf like below. It should work.
player action [ "eject", vehicle player];
sleep 1;
player removeWeapon "ParachuteWest";
sleep 0.1;
player spawn bis_fnc_halo;
player setvelocity [0,120*0.8,0];
player setdir 0;
//Add here....
[] execVM "scripts\altimeter.sqf";
yea sorry i was meant to reply to this yesterday I put it in same place and it works takes few seconds to come up but works