[Help ]Dayz Epoch Origins Server the same place of birth?

Every time online again or resurrection after death will be in the same place.

dayz_serverObjectMonitor = _safety;
17:16:05 Error position: <_safety;
17:16:05 Error Undefined variable in expression: _safety
17:16:15 Error in expression <;

Your problem is when you die, you respawn in the location where you died. correct?

You can't post 4 lines from your rpt log and expect anyone to make sense of it. dayz_serverobjectmonitor deals with vehicles and other objects.
_safety deals with objects that should not be deleted by the cleanup script.
CLEANUP: DELETING A GROUP would be a line from one of those cleanup scripts (I think there are multiple scripts now in 1.8.3) ... in short, that error doesn't have anything to do with you respawning.

So .. DELETE your rpt log. Join your server. Die and respawn. Post your ENTIRE rpt log to dropbox or google drive.
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dang, i was about to describe to him how to modify player saves to make it happen. Wrong question.
If you are trying to run Epoch and Origins you are using the wrong files. dayz_serverobjectmonitor is for DAYZ 1.8.3 and you should not have that variable. You are using the dayz_server.pbo from dayz instead of epoch?
For your help mark heartfelt thanks, DayZ_Epoch.Chernarusre establishment of normal running me now.