[HELP] Editing Zombie damage and intelligence


New Member
I'm tweaking settings for my private Day Z server and was wondering which file and what line of code would need to be edited to reduce or increase the difficulty of zombies. I would like for them to have less health, deal less damage with less chance of broken legs, bleeding and so forth.

I would also like to reduce how far and easily they detect players. Currently on my server like literally can see you from a mile away and in a matter of moments there will be 40 zombies chasing you.

I am currently running on DayZ Epock Chenerus version

I edited the files below and added the following code inside my init.sqf file...

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\zombie_findTargetAgent.sqf";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\zombie_findTarget.sqf";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\control_zombieAgent.sqf";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\player_zombieCheck.sqf";

However, whenever the game starts it says "cannot find fixes\zombie_findTargetAgent.sqf"

This happens with ANY custom folder I added to the MPmission directory. For example a fixes, custom, scripts or any other folders within this directory using the call compile code. It is acting like it cannot see this directory or the contents inside it. I am on HFBservers, not sure if something needs to be set on their end in order for my init.sqf to see these folders or files.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.