[HELP NEEDED] Default Gear Loadout


New Member
Hello Everyone!

Names Edd, im new in this vast comunity that is opendayz and new also as a Server Admin,
(i have started to host a couple of days ago using your Pwnozor's server Version 1.8/Beta 103718)
I have started to learn how to mod sqf files and do someting as a custom server loading screen for example.

I have found out a how to add default gear in this general thread forum http://opendayz.net/threads/how-to-customize-the-starting-gear-loadout-no-custom-dayz_code-req.8670/

Using This Methods is Not replacing all geat but aving to add some dose it closse enuf :) (just wanted to add a map anyway)

But Now Here is My New Problem.. Doe anyone here know how to setup a self-blood bag script working over Pownozor's server version around here whit instructions on how to do it ? :eek:
Selfblood bag Download these to things just click on link http://opendayz.net/attachments/fn_selfactions-sqf.1379/ http://opendayz.net/attachments/player_selfbloodbag-sqf.1380/

After go to your mp missions then dayz_mission.pbo and find init.sqf
Now open Init.sqf with Notepad++ (I recommended) or something else Wordpad
Just before progressLoadingScreen 1.0; type this in. call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\compiles.sqf"; //Compile custom compiles

Now you have done that you can get out of init.sqf then create a new folder called Scripts It cant be lowercase it needs to be like that Scripts

Go into the new folder and rightclick/new/Text document. Rename the hole thing into this compiles.sqf
Edit the file and put this code in fnc_usec_selfActions = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\fn_selfActions.sqf"; // fnc_usec_selfActions - adds custom actions to dayz code

Add both file's you download Fn_selfActions and Player_selfbloodbag into that folder called Scripts

There you go. Give your self a blood bag and scroll and it should say selfblood bag

Need more help or not working contact me via email ( [email protected] ) There you go buddy