Help Needed!


New Member
Hello, Im a owner of one of the Epoch-Panthera server from
I would like to add some NPC's mission to my server but have no idea how to do it.
I know there is a many tutorials but i dont want to make any mistakes and loose all of the things from the server.

Another thing is to turn a God Mode on around all of the traders to stop killing people.

I have no experience with scripts so please , if anyone can find a few minutes and know how to do it, please let me know asap.
I will be very greatful for any help.
Thank you !
ok thanks the server name is .pl Echelon HC and the IP address is

If u can just let me know on private message . Thank u
Any1 could help please? I realy dont know how to do it so im gonna be very grateful for any help.
There is detailed tutorials about these things and those are really easy to implement. Make backups and you can't "loose" anything. Or download some preconfigured server pack if you don't want to do or learn anything towards your own server. *feeding pigeons.. :rolleyes:
i have tried to do it by my own but still dont know how to do it. I even cant find any proper scripts for panthera epoch on forum and nowhere on the internet also.
If noone wants to help me for free, i could pay for it.
If someone's interested please let me know so im gonna give you a list what i want on my server.