help with script filters


New Member
ok here we go i was just wondering if anyone has any ideas as i have learned alot from here and accomplished a few cool things but now i am stuck i have unbanned all the vehicles on a friends server and everytime we fire missiles on a jet we get a createVehicle restriction #17 now i have tried to figure it out so it at least stops the kick maybe disables the missiles with no kick any light on this would be a big help thank you in advance. any info needed to help with this just ask i will gladly show it if i can. this has to do with a createVehicle restriction #17 after shooting a missile from the jets on server i have tried everything to stop it but i have not figured it out yet some help would be nice.

nv,m close this figured it out on my own.
Hi Dracon,

You mind helping me? I'm running into the same issue.

I appreciate any help you can provide.

- Dayz Trauma
i can at least try i suppose man what is it you happen to be having issues with not real sure how much help i can be i am still pretty new at this myself

Can you post your scripts.txt so I can see what is being tripped and determine the fix.