niall straughan

Well-Known Member
Im been trying to add automated messages for my 4 hour restarts, E.G server will restart in one minute. Im using a server hosted by GTX gaming, but has a similar file system to HFB servers.

My restarts are set for 10 o clock, to occur daily, every 4 hours, for 99 hours. So they run infinitely. But ive messed round with my txt files, and cant seem to get them right.

This is my Scheduler.xml

<job id="0">
<cmd>say -1 Server will auto restart in 30 min</cmd>
<job id="1">
<cmd>say -1 Server will auto restart in 15 min</cmd>
<job id="2">
<cmd>say -1 Server will auto restart in 10 min</cmd>
<job id="3">
<cmd>say -1 Server will auto restart in 5 min</cmd>
<job id="4">
<cmd>say -1 Server will auto restart in 1 min, land your choppers and abort now please</cmd>
<job id="5">

This is my restart15minwarning.xml

<job id="0">
<cmd>say -1 Server will auto restart in 30 min</cmd>
<job id="1">
<cmd>say -1 Server will auto restart in 15 min</cmd>
<job id="2">
<cmd>say -1 Server will auto restart in 10 min</cmd>
<job id="3">
<cmd>say -1 Server will auto restart in 5 min</cmd>
<job id="4">
<cmd>say -1 Server will auto restart in 1 min, land your choppers and abort now please</cmd>
<job id="5">

Im pretty sure ive botched both of them, can anyone help me out to get regular messages?

My experience with HFB was SHIT! Never going to rent anything from them. I tried to set up my scheduler and did it perfectly right but it wasn't working. I read some HFB FAQ and it had some "fix" for this. It said if it doesn't work contact their support by submitting a ticket. I did it and got a reply about 48 hours later and it basically said that they do not provide BEC related support?!? I mean wtf? In the FAQ they said to submit a ticket... Anyway I went back to Vilayer and that is working great as always.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hi niall straughan

I just noticed this thread when searching for something else and thought I would reply and ensure your server now works or if you are still having issues with this?

If you are having issues, please can you contact me via Support Ticket and I will do my very best to ensure all of your issues are resolved.

Battleye Extended Controls can be temperamental at times and I can understand clients being frustrated when their automated schedules do not work as planned. This is what we are here for to help resolve these types of issues and although I do like the idea of communicating with the community I think your first port of call should be to open a support ticket to allow us to resolve this for you.

I look forward to your support ticket.
Thanks for the concern GTX, and yes the messages are running fine on my server now. They were fixed due to a BEC update and have been working ever since