Hopefully easy questions about markersize and spawn timers / triggers


New Member
I'm new to the server administration business, using dayz.st to host a server, I really enjoy your AI and I have a few questions about them.

I created a spawn, and everything has gone well except that it seems sometimes the bandits won't spawn fast enough and I'll have to wait around, or they'll spawn farther away than makes sense for what I'm trying to do.

This is the code I used, for the sake of ease

from my cust_spawns_chernarus.sqf file 
["black_mountain_spawn_1", 7, 1, true] call DZAI_spawn;

from my cust_markers_chernarus.sqf file
    _this = createMarker ["black_mountain_spawn_1", [10280.353,  12014.252,  -3.0517578e-005]];
    _this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
    _this setMarkerType "Flag";
    _this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
    _this setMarkerSize [200, 200];
    _this setMarkerAlpha 0;
    _black_mountain_spawn_1 = _this;

If I narrow the markersize to [50, 50] I imagine the bandits will stay where I want them to, but will that affect the triggering of their spawn? Also, what measurement is 200, 200 or 50, 50, are these numbers in meters or game coordinates?

Can I do anything to ensure that the bandits spawn when a player enters the area for the first time?

I appreciate any advice that anyone can give me on these matters. I really enjoy learning this stuff
The spawn-triggering distance is 600m for all DZAI spawn areas, this is measured in meters from the center of the spawn trigger. This is independent of the size of the marker you created. The marker size only determines the area that the AI can spawn and patrol around. This isn't a hard boundary, the AI may spawn slightly out of the boundary if it can't find open ground to spawn on (it will expand the area slightly until it can), and the AI behavior may lead it to move outside the area if it is following/engaging enemies.

With the DZAI_spawn function, you will always have the specified number of AI spawning. So the bandits will always be there if a player is within 600m of the spawn area center. The only exception is if the AI have already been killed and are waiting for respawning. The delay between player presence and AI spawning is only 5 seconds, which is essentially unnoticeable from a player's point of view.