How do i change namalsk 0.75 starting gear?

Got non-guid spawngear for new players working. Only problem is that, when the person first creates a char, they spawn in the debug and have to go to the lobby and then ingame again to spawn.

In the server_playerlogin:

//_inventory = [[], []];
//_backpack = ["DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1",[[],[]],[[],[]]];
//_items = [];
//_magazines = [];
//_weapons = [];
//_medicalStats = [];
_survival =[0,0,0];
//_tent = [];
//_state = [];
//_direction = 0;
_isInfected =0;
_model ="";
//_newUnit = objNull;
//_botActive = false;

If anybody could fix this last problem, let me know!