How do you change the loading screen for Taviana 2.0 mission file


I'm trying to make a custom loading screen for my server but cannot figure out why it will not load the image.

I have a 1024x512 jpg file saved in custom folder called serverlogo.jpg.

here is part of my description.ext file.

// The loading screen
class DayZ_loadingScreen
    idd = -1;
    duration = 10e10;
    fadein = 0;
    fadeout = 0;
    name = "loading screen";
    class controlsBackground
        class blackBG : RscText
            x = safezoneX;
            y = safezoneY;
            w = safezoneW;
            h = safezoneH;
            text = "";
            colorText[] = {0,0,0,0};
            colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,1};
        class nicePic : RscPicture
            style = 48 + 0x800; // ST_PICTURE + ST_KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO
            x = safezoneX + safezoneW/2 - 0.25;
            y = safezoneY + safezoneH/2 - 0.2;
            w = 0.5;
            h = 0.4;
            text = "custom\serverlogo.jpg";
    class controls
        class Title1 : RscLoadingText
            text = "$STR_LOADING"; // "Loading" text in the middle of the screen
        class CA_Progress : RscProgress // progress bar, has to have idc 104
            idc = 104;
            type = 8; // CT_PROGRESS
            style = 0; // ST_SINGLE
            texture = "\ca\ui\data\loadscreen_progressbar_ca.paa";
        class CA_Progress2 : RscProgressNotFreeze // progress bar that will go reverse
            idc = 103;
        class Name2: RscText // the text on the top-left
            idc = 101;
            x = 0.05;
            y = 0.029412;
            w = 0.9;
            h = 0.04902;
            text = "";
            sizeEx = 0.05;
            colorText[] = {0.543,0.5742,0.4102,1.0};
Custom load screens must be on the 1st line of your description.ext
Make sure the image is also inside the root of the mission.pbo, you have it in a directory name custom, and then make line 1 of the description.ext

Don't know if Taviana 2.0 is different in some way, but I only made one change to get a custom load screen.

I added:


As the first line in description.ext
Yea its different to the others.

I have done what you have said with ading that to line one and it has worked.

Thank you both.