How do you get Dogs, Heli/vehicle towing into non default pbo?

Is it possible to just get dogs+heli/vehicle towing to work? there a tutorial on how to get this to work on a pbo that's already been altered? (custom mapping, scripts, etc) I've been searching but haven't had any luck. Thanks :) . This should point you in the right direction. Most of, if not all these scripts work. The biggest thing you need to keep an eye on is if your compiles.sqf or fn_selfactions.sqf files have already been modified and moved. Different people use different folder names and locations. If you post your mission.pbo I can have a quick look at it and let you know what has been changed already.
Yeah, that's exactly what my problem is haha. The compiles.sqf is already edited as is the init, mission, and description. I download this, but it gave me the anomalies which is what I don't want..piXel provides all the files I need, but I don't use a default pbo so I can't just copy and paste the mission and have it all work, otherwise we'll lose our custom mapping. I'm not really worried about losing the scripts, as it won't take too long to get them back into the pbo, but the mapping I don't want gone. I hope that all makes sense to you..and thanks for the help I really appreciate it :)
Ya that makes sense. But if they are already edited, just follow the folder paths used in the init.sqf. If you are worried about losing objects placed in the editor. You can just merge piXel's mission.sqm and remove the anomalies within the 2d editor.