How to? Epoch 1.0.3. Spawn selection/1.8 GUI.....


Valued Member!
Well, the changelog for 103 brought some cool things but whoever the *beep* is writing those changelogs
made it "nice and clear" again.....

In there, they mention this:
[ADDED] Chernarus-Spawnselection and 1.8 GUI-Icons to the dayz_code.pbo - experienced server admins can use it. @Skaronator

So yeah... I assume this means: if you want the spawn selection screen and the GUI from 1.8,
have a look in dayz_code.pbo..... Well that did not help.
A total of 435 files and 24 folders is not easy to search through to be honest.

So if someone knows how to do this, please post. Thanks!
especially on taviana it would be cool if we get something working like the spawnselection screen like in origins...