How to make loot cycling less rewarding?

Manatee Hunter

Valued Member!

Wondering if there's something in the server cleanup file or perhaps somewhere else that I can tweak to make loot spawn in and stick around for longer and not respawn for like.. 30 mins or something. I pretty much hate the idea of loot cycling.. I'm happy to have frequent restarts, but do not want players sitting around a place farming away.

Any suggestions or tips on how to help combat this behaviour?
Wasting your time. On the 29th DayZ gets updated and loot cycling is an addressed issue in the patch. I do believe its going to bring the loot spawn timers to 25 minutes.
Should be some good stuff. I like these changes alot, I can add a few more barracks here and there for "looks" while also increasing the chance someone will get a good item. At the same time Im not handing them an AS-50 on a silver plater
Should be some good stuff. I like these changes alot, I can add a few more barracks here and there for "looks" while also increasing the chance someone will get a good item. At the same time Im not handing them an AS-50 on a silver plater

Personally - I've gone the survival route and high end weaponry doesn't have a place on my server.
Yea but are you getting people to join? I REALLY wanted to do a modified DayZ. Spawning with a double barreled shotgun is not outside the idea of "Zombie Apocalypse". Problem is no one wants to play it. Unless your server says "Spawn with sniper" no one is happy.
I went the way of increasing zombie spawns, the damage they do - immensely - and their speed, while adding in some high end weaponry; but .50 rifles are gone as well from my server. I am also trying to give my server more of horror movie atmosphere. Additionally, I have increased the negative effects of wind, rain and water - while activating the positive warming effects of buildings and increasing that of cars and campfires. Good news though about the upcoming patch.

Regardless of immediate popularity, I am trying to make the game as hard as possible without being impossible. That is the way I hope to see future mods go.
I went the way of increasing zombie spawns, the damage they do - immensely - and their speed, while adding in some high end weaponry; but .50 rifles are gone as well from my server. I am also trying to give my server more of horror movie atmosphere. Additionally, I have increased the negative effects of wind, rain and water - while activating the positive warming effects of buildings and increasing that of cars and campfires. Good news though about the upcoming patch.

Regardless of immediate popularity, I am trying to make the game as hard as possible without being impossible. That is the way I hope to see future mods go.
Hey dude, this is my next big project, following your routes and methods - I've put off changing the code in your way until tomorrow (just finished a big update). I may want to pick your brain a bit though, with regards to whats what in the code - I'll send you a PM when I'm starting, if you're down to answer a few questions.

Basically, I like the way you think, and am going for a similar atmosphere.
I'd also be interested in learning the things you've done to make the game more challenging - basically my goal is the same, lots of things to do, lots of ways to die that aren't bandit related - As hard as can be is the goal :)

Zombie, heat and weather changes are def things I would be very interested in.
I am all for sharing ideas. Most everything I've learned has been found here in these forums, or ideas enkindled from reading member posts here, at Tuungle and elsewhere around the DayZ community. Right now - and I really want to open my server again - my approach to increased difficulty has been with zombies and the environment as stated above, as well as removing view distance with weather effects - which also makes flying a plane or helicopter much more difficult.

What I am ultimately aiming for is adjusting zombie behavior and lethality and loot spawning to the time of day, i.e. making them spawn only in buildings during the day, hit for less damage while the sun is up, loot spawning more frequent at night- giving players a period where the map is more PvP focused, then unleashing hell when night falls. Of course, days would last only a few hours, and nights would be incredibly long.

The problem is, getting into all of this amazing scripting takes time and becomes a hobby unto itself. I really want to go live again with my server at some point, so modding it will have to stop for that to happen.

One last mention, contrary to most server owners idea of hardcore, I have added damaged armored vehicles to my server, but with the increased damage zombies do, they are able to damage the "glass" to red in the time it takes fill up your gas tank at an auto refuel point. So armor of somekind becomes a necessity, if you're a player who likes to take the direct route.
@Saethkept - I hear ya on the modding takes a shit load of time - my server has been down basically as I wrote my recent script- constant reboots and changes to the pbos. Just got a local server set up on my computer, which has dropped my testing time a ton, as well as syntax highlighting for notepad++ and squint2 to check over the files for mission semicolons, etc.

PMing you now, going to start to get into rewriting loot code and integrating it with the player_spawnCheck.sqf fix
so the update isnt coming. Time to get back into this kinda stuff. Anyone find anything?
What do you mean, isn't coming? I've not been following the news...

Saethkept and I have made huge progress (with Kind-Sir and Sarge's help). I've been testing something all day, it's a big bunch of changes - including loot only spawning once per server start.

I need to test with more clients before I release, just to make sure it doesn't destroy everything. Hit me up on steam if you want to test (user mmmyum) :)
private["_radius","_position","_inVehicle","_dateNow","_age","_locationstypes","_nearestCity","_nearbyBuildings","_nearby","_type","_config","_canZombie","_canLoot","_dis","_keepAwayDist","_isNoone","_looted","_cleared"];//_radius, _position, _inVehicle, _dateNow, _age, _locationstypes, _nearestCity, _nearbyBuildings
_radius = _this select 0;
_position = _this select 1;
_inVehicle = _this select 2;
_dateNow = _this select 3;
_age = _this select 4;
_locationstypes = _this select 5;
_nearestCity = _this select 6;
_looted = (_x getVariable ["looted",-0.1]);
_cleared = (_x getVariable ["cleared",true]);
_dateNow = (DateToNumber date);
_age = (_dateNow - _looted) * 525948;
//diag_log ("SPAWN LOOT: " + _type + " Building is " + str(_age) + " old" );
if ((_age > 10) and (!_cleared)) then {
    _nearByObj = nearestObjects [(getPosATL _x), ["WeaponHolder","WeaponHolderBase"],((sizeOf _type)+5)];
    {deleteVehicle _x} forEach _nearByObj;
    _x setVariable ["cleared",true,true];
    _x setVariable ["looted",_dateNow,true];
if ((_age > 10) and (_cleared)) then {
    _x setVariable ["looted",_dateNow,true];
    _handle = [_x] spawn building_spawnLoot;
    waitUntil{scriptDone _handle};

changing the if ((_age > 10) statement # to 30? Would that make loot not clean up even if looted for 30 minutes? The _age = (dateNow-_looted) * 525948 is something that confused the shit outa me tho

Wondering if there's something in the server cleanup file or perhaps somewhere else that I can tweak to make loot spawn in and stick around for longer and not respawn for like.. 30 mins or something. I pretty much hate the idea of loot cycling.. I'm happy to have frequent restarts, but do not want players sitting around a place farming away.

Any suggestions or tips on how to help combat this behaviour?
Yes there is something in server_cleanup.fsm that you can change to mess with loot cleanup - just search for LOOT BAGS or something else that you see in the RPT output when loot bags are destroyed.
private["_radius","_position","_inVehicle","_dateNow","_age","_locationstypes","_nearestCity","_nearbyBuildings","_nearby","_type","_config","_canZombie","_canLoot","_dis","_keepAwayDist","_isNoone","_looted","_cleared"];//_radius, _position, _inVehicle, _dateNow, _age, _locationstypes, _nearestCity, _nearbyBuildings
_radius = _this select 0;
_position = _this select 1;
_inVehicle = _this select 2;
_dateNow = _this select 3;
_age = _this select 4;
_locationstypes = _this select 5;
_nearestCity = _this select 6;
_looted = (_x getVariable ["looted",-0.1]);
_cleared = (_x getVariable ["cleared",true]);
_dateNow = (DateToNumber date);
_age = (_dateNow - _looted) * 525948;
//diag_log ("SPAWN LOOT: " + _type + " Building is " + str(_age) + " old" );
if ((_age > 10) and (!_cleared)) then {
    _nearByObj = nearestObjects [(getPosATL _x), ["WeaponHolder","WeaponHolderBase"],((sizeOf _type)+5)];
    {deleteVehicle _x} forEach _nearByObj;
    _x setVariable ["cleared",true,true];
    _x setVariable ["looted",_dateNow,true];
if ((_age > 10) and (_cleared)) then {
    _x setVariable ["looted",_dateNow,true];
    _handle = [_x] spawn building_spawnLoot;
    waitUntil{scriptDone _handle};

changing the if ((_age > 10) statement # to 30? Would that make loot not clean up even if looted for 30 minutes? The _age = (dateNow-_looted) * 525948 is something that confused the shit outa me tho
Yup I'm pretty sure you'd need to change that too. What file is that? I've been staring at code too much recently, can't readily identify it. building_spawnLoot?
thats player_spawnlootcheck.sqf from the DayZ code. Cant change it there but if you set the server to compile it server side you can change it. I added you on Steam btw.

Im trying to make loot despawn / respawn after 30 minutes. I'm going to add more buildings to places like the airfield but without these changes it will make loot too easy to cycle.
thats player_spawnlootcheck.sqf from the DayZ code. Cant change it there but if you set the server to compile it server side you can change it. I added you on Steam btw.

Im trying to make loot despawn / respawn after 30 minutes. I'm going to add more buildings to places like the airfield but without these changes it will make loot too easy to cycle.

Aye, 30 min respawn/despawn timer is pretty much what I'm looking to do. I want players to check and move on
I just tried to mod a few files to get the desired results. Will post findings and how to if I get it working. Testing now.