how to prevent clients deleting pbos ?


New Member
plants2_Bush.pbo,plants2_Clutter.pbo,plants2_misc.pbo,plants2_Plant.pbo,plants_e.pbo, etc

players starts to delete listed pbos to get advantage with seeing no grass,trees,bushes,etc
some even deletes buildings..

strange - but i found no working way to prevent it by different server options :(

maybe, someone have working solution?


They're not removing it for their advantage... it's a problem where you have to put your ArmA 2\Addons folder in your ArmA 2 operation arrowhead folder to fix it.
Ok... what you can do is define them in the mission pbo as required addon. Look it up on Google :)
look in your config file for this:
equalModRequired = 0;// Outdated. If set to 1, player has to use exactly the same -mod= startup parameter as the server.

IDK if this will do what you want but it seems to be a step in the right direction
If you add them to the required mods in your mission file, they HAVE to run them client side upon joining the server. If they are deleted, it will kick them.