How to stop zombies from spawning on a specific location?


I need help with a script that stops zombies from spawning within a radius of a location. Help would be greatly appreciated! :)


Just a small bit of input here:

Doing it via a zed nuker is not the best way, creating an agent then deleting it or killing it after its created is more overhead for the server, and more network traffic for your clients.

A better way would be:
inside player_spawnCheck.sqf add a distance check to the coords in which you are wanting to protect from zeds spawning (Note, spawning, not killing off after being spawned).

So, grab the distance between the local player coords and the coords you want to protect, perhaps a sphere of 100 meters, then you can do something like:

if ( _distance > 100 ) then
//Spawn zombie in a building code here

If you need any more information on this, please feel free to message me :)