I have 3 questions. VPS Linux


New Member
Hello, I have 3 questions.

1. I wonder how can I add more houses in my dayz not know where to start

2nd. if I host my dayz on a VPS server "unofficial" with fixed IP, other users will be able to see the server in the list of search in the game, or DAYZCommander ?

3rd. The wheel to that configuration of the server VPS

Processor: Core i7 3.33GHz
Ram: 256 MB
HD: 20 GB
Traffic: 1000 GB
Link Full Duplex: 100 Mbps
OS: Linux

ServerFiles Versão:

Thank you, sorry for my english, I'm Brazilian.
1. Define "houses"; like in-game houses? custom ones?

2. The Gamespy (in-game) browser should show it, DayZ Commander should show it.

3. That isn't enough hard drive space, and I doubt that is enough RAM either.
My Dayz Server is using:
1. about 18GB HDD
2. about 500 MB Ram -> recommended min. 1GB Ram. My Server has 16GB Ram :)