Idea for DayZ2017 and just servers in general - Ammo combinations

TSB InDaTent

New Member
When posting on reddit i was told that if i had any ideas for the DayZ2017 mod i could come find shinkicker here, although i'm not 100% sure if this is even possible to implement or if it would take way to long i think it could make the inventory system a lot nicer.

the actual idea came to me when i was at my camp on the DayZ2017 midnight crew server, I was sorting out what goes in the tent and what goes into the car ETC.. All that boring stuff but in my inventory i have around 7 Winchester mags, all of which Aren't full.. I along with a lot of other people i know have a tendency to just reload whenever we're not in combat.. I don't know why we just do.

Surely in real life if i had lets just say 4/8 shells left in 2 different piles that i would be able to just combine to the 2 piles to make 1 full mag? Obviously it wouldn't work for all weapons but with stuff like lenny's and winnie's could this not be an option?

If i am wrong about the combining of ammunition please tell me, but if not i was wondering if this could be coded and implemented at all? or is it to do with the ArmA code and not something that you could just put in? i assume it would work something like how you can combine x4 m24 clips into a DMR mag, except just into 1 full mag itself for the same weapon.
This is actually really easy. I'm doing this right now for shotgun shells (Right now you can do 4x2>8 and 8>4x2). If successful (it's hopeful) then you can use singles to turn to 8, or turn them into 2 or 4 for better storage.