In Search of Hero Hill + Bandit Castle...


OpenDayZ Rockstar!
So I've played on another server recently and he has a few interesting addons dealing with the AI. He has a bridge that extends out from the main land to Skalisty Island, and that Island has been renamed Bandit Island or something like that. Then there are a few bandit/survivor camps around the map where AI spawn in and around. Inside (if you can get inside and live) there are tents full of gear. Then it also adds "hero hill" and "bandit castle." Hero Hill is placed on top of Klen in the North East of the map and I forget where bandit castle is located. These are bases, complete with fortifications. The road leading up to Klen has a couple of flags next to it marking the base. At the top of the hill the fort is pretty massive. Anyways, to the point, is this a part of Sarge AI? I can't seem to find anything about it. I'd love to get that up and running on my server. Im hoping this is a mod/addon that I can install on my server. Any information would be most helpful. Thanks
Sounds Awesome :D but will be a self made map.... U can edit the DayZ Map with the 3d Editor/2D Editor of Arma and add everything u want. U can add Bandits etc. that work with the AI framework. It could be that u can download the modified map somewhere but i dont think so. Sry
The bridge you can find on this site (, the new map sites are built via the 3d/2d editor (most likely), and the AI (most likely) is place via the SARGE AI Framework. These things that you want are some of the simplest things you can mod onto your server. Everything you need is on this site somewhere. Remember, the journey can most times be more fun than the destination.

P.S.. One bit of advice though. Building new detailed areas on the map can be time consuming and most people are proud of their work when they get done. If you wish to keep that work for yourself and release it how you see fit, learn to add new map areas via executed sqf's and put them in you day_server pbo and not your mission.
Thought I'd chime in here, I appreciate all the help people are trying to give. I actually have a lot of custom buildings on my server, and sarge AI framework. Perhaps I wasn't clear in my original posting, but I know that all of this is possible via the editor, etc, but I was hoping it was a common or relatively common design that could be downloaded somewhere. No big deal, I'll just make it myself. Thanks
Well Danger,

If you absolutely want exactly whats on that server there's two options. First, check the mission file that you downloaded from that server when you joined it. It's very possible that what you are looking for is in there. Second, you could ask the admins there directly if it is something they created and if you could have access or if it's already public, where they got it from.
Thats a good idea, i had absolutely no idea i could check that mission file... where would that be located? The admins on that server are abusive dbags so if worst comes to worse ill just create my own! Thanks
I would love to get my hands on someone's custom made bandit island fortress. I think having a location filled with AI that required teamwork to overrun is a great idea. Imagine having/needing 20 players join together and storm an island of AIs! Let me know if you get your hands on that POI. Thanks!
Yea I gave up on the search and just started designing my own. I also used a few that can be found on this website in the map addons section. They're easy to set up, the static AI is a bit trickier but again there are tutorials.. good luck. I recommend just using the map editor and get creative one day!
Hey DangerRuss,
You're right. I have been tinkering with the map editor, but I should get down to business and make a real bandit island. I'll let you know when I come up with something substantial, and you can check it out!
looks really nice so far bud. let me know if you ever make it public I'll add it to my server. If you want to keep it private that's cool too! :D Very nice though
I'm gonna release this mosdef! I think it's a real shame that ppl don't share their custom locations more. BTW, yeah, static AI (Sarge AI)...yikes. I feel like I hit a wall. Any tips?
Oh no! Sorry to hear that man. Yeah, I was digging around regarding the static Sarge AI, and for some reason when I go into the 3d editor, I can't get the exact coordinates that are required to place the units. shucks.
nono don't use your editor.. use sarge AI... use your database to get the cords where you want them (stand in the spot you want them) and use the sarge AI to get them in the game. Follow that link I gave you
Install the script to your server, then:

Inside Addons\SARGE\mapconfig\your map

find your the map your running,and open the grps_map file.

All you need is a coordinate of where you want to put static AI, to do this go in game to the exact spot, and check your database\survivor\your UID, and it will say [worldspace] get the grid from there, example: [88,[4283.12,1838.37,0.003]], all you need is [4283.12,1838.37,0.003].

Go to "Defintion of Area Markers for static spawns" on the bottom of the grps_map file, and add something like this:

// Location
_this = createMarker ["SAR_patrol_locationname", [X, Y, Z]];
_this setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
_this setMarkeralpha 0;
_this setMarkerType "Flag";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [5, 5];
SAR_marker_locationame = _this;
change patrol_locationname to anything you want, for example patrol_road1.
change _marker_locationname to _marker_road1.
change // Location to anything you want, this is just a reference to remember where your location is.
change the X,Y,Z to the coordinates you found, in the example 4283, is X, 1838, is Y, and 0.003 is Z, make sure you use commas correctly.

Now, go to "add here if needed" on the bottom, and place something like this:

// Location
[SAR_marker_locationname,1,2,4,"fortify",true] call SAR_AI;
Make sure you change _locationname to your location name in the above file, ex, _road1


the first number is what AI group you want.
(1 = soldiers, 2 = survivors, 3 = bandits)

the second number is the amount of snipers in the group, 2 snipers.
the 3rd number is the amount of rifleman in the group, 4 rifleman.

"fortify",true means that they will defend the area.
"patrol",true means that they will patrol the area, and walk around.
"ambush",true means that they will wait for enemies to approach, and then ambush them.

change this to your liking.

That's all you need for static spawns, use the same code provided, but change the location names to what you want them, Make sure the _patrol_xxx, and _marker_xxx is the same name when adding a new location or it will not work.
Hi guys so as i have seen the post you have made and the video uploaded. i have set a few basic points were the bandits run around. this is based on the script town's and city's installed on the defeult setup.
i have as example set up Devils Castle with 5 groups / 5 members / 100 % spawn.
no as soon as i enter the area 5 groups should spawn. a friend has seen 3 groups but this is rare..
i have changed the
// maximum number of groups / grid
SAR_max_grps_bandits = 5;
SAR_max_grps_soldiers = 5;
SAR_max_grps_survivors = 5;
even still the groups dont show up near the castle.
only around the Forrest on the side. as this is pritty big we search around it to find some bandits to shoot or get shot :p

as i have read this post im really interested in the 'hero' and 'bandit' camp
so here's my question.

How do i set up the right way so that i can get more 'groups' in 1 grid. or in this case Castle / camp?
How can i get the base build [using the editor ] is there a Tutorial for with the base building with uploading to server?
How can i set the bandits/hero's to that location and patrolled around that area say in 100 meters?
Or stay inside the camp and make them only defend the area?

if you have link's of tutorial's or youtube [ i prefer this ] with how to do.
or just a 'Code' with example's of working server pleas comment them.
greetings Noty