Issue with 'Flagged' Players & Vehicles


New Member
YES; i did read the FAQ and the READMEs
on and on github,
and i searched this thread for my issue.

Version of SAR_AI : 1.1.0
Version of Dayz :

Type : Bliss -
Version : Latest

Installed mods : Auto-refuel, custom debug, SARGE AI - also tried with nothing but SARGE AI.


Describe your issue: When a player kills another player or any AI they become 'flagged' and you cannot enter vehicles they are in, it removes the scroll options to enter completely.

As you can see in this one their nameplate is red as they are 'flagged'

In this one you can see the scroll option is non-existent. All you can do is repair if a 'flagged' player is in the vehicle.

Paste an EXTRACT of the relevant parts of cfg files
(SAR_config, x_x_grid.cgf, x_x_grps.cfg) here: The files are untouched except enabling the different debugs.

Paste the RELEVANT parts of your rpt file here: Again, untouched.

Did you try to disable my mod and check if your issue is still there? YES - Problem did not occur when SARGE AI was disabled.
Did you try to disable OTHER mods to see which mod is causing the issue? YES - I installed SARGE AI on an untouched mission file and the issue still occurred.
Did you read the FAQ and the READMEs on and on github? YES
Did you search this thread if anyone else had the issue as well ? YES

First of all THANK YOU for sticking to my bug report template .-)

This issue pops up from time to time. I am still wondering what is happening here. On my test environment it works all the time.

Is this only happening if there are (as in your picture) 2 vehicles very close to each other ?

The reason i ask is:

IF you shoot a friendly AI OR you are a bandit and spotted by any AI, you are moved to the ENEMY side (=flagged).

This flagged status should be removed if you get closer than 10 meters to a vehicle - and be restored if you leave that area again.

Could you try to enable SAR_EXTREME_DEBUG and try that again with your setup?

The rpt should log WHO joined that area close to a vehicle and WHO got "unflagged".

I will try to run some tests here as well.

Thx & cheers, Sarge
The format is there for a reason. :p

This happens if there is single vehicles/aircraft or multiple.

And yeah, I'll post the rpt.

the "RELEVANT" parts of your rpt are not the whole file, but nevertheless.

a) I see no, absolutely NO occurrence of any player approaching a vehicle in that rpt file.
b) did you enable the vehicle fix config entry at all?

for any further tests, please

a) fix all the other errors in your rpt first, that's one of the worst rpts i have ever seen
b) reduce hiveext logging - theres way too many things being logged to your rpt

cheers, Sarge
Players approached vehicles, I know for a fact cause I was testing it myself with a few others. I will enable the vehicle fix and see how that works.
You are aware that you should have done that at the very beginning ? The whole discussion is useless without that enabled ...
Hi folks, I am getting a similar problem on our server, could you please elaborate what the SAR_EXTREME_DEBUG fix is and where do I put it? Thanks