Issues adding items from ArmA 2 3D Editor


Heya all, I've just been playing with the 3D editor to add some items into a custom SQF for our server, added a few walls to Skalisty Island and added some AA Guns to our admin base at Devils Castle, anyhow it worked fine, the objects etc spawn in-game but if we try to get in these guns, searchlights or IGLA pods we get killed instantly, no idea as to why, what could be the issue? They work fine in the editor just not on the server, all help appreciated.
Heya all, I've just been playing with the 3D editor to add some items into a custom SQF for our server, added a few walls to Skalisty Island and added some AA Guns to our admin base at Devils Castle, anyhow it worked fine, the objects etc spawn in-game but if we try to get in these guns, searchlights or IGLA pods we get killed instantly, no idea as to why, what could be the issue? They work fine in the editor just not on the server, all help appreciated.
The items are banned hence the auto kill, try disabling any antihack, also disable the killed a hacker section server-side to see if it helps
Thanks for the reply FallingSheep, the only antihack I'm using is infistar, I've already made a few changes to server side killed a hacker code for SargeAI, would that be the code you mean? If it makes any difference I can spawn in the gunners etc using infistar and use them fine so I didn't think making them items that spawn in via object script would make a difference
hmm check the infistar script that spawns them in and see if you can find how they have done it, also yes the part you modified for SargAI just comment it all out and test if it helps