JSRS Sound Mod

Anyone able to help with this? I believe I have got the keys in the right place now, so people aren't being kicked with the keys not signed or whatever it is message.

But now they get kicked for Script Restriction #40
Well, not sure this would be Pwonzor's database specific, but the JSRS can be used on any server if you put the right keys in your keys directory.

THEN - you have to edit your scripts.txt file QUITE a bit in your battleye area or you'll keep getting kicks, like you showed above.

It's a long journey to clean that scripts file up. The FASTEST way to do it is delete the line it references (+1 I believe), and then move on to the next kick message. However - completely removing theses lines is in essence giving hackers a back door into your server to drop whatever rediculous thing they want into your server. If you're going to go that route, best to have a whitelist present and only let on people you trust... or password protect that server.

The re-assign the lines to only note the kick, rather then do the kick... I can't remember if you set the line to a 1 or 5, but that's what you'd do. The issue here is every time CBA does something that WOULD have kicked you, it loads up the script.log file.... That will grow OUT OF CONTROL, and get exponentially worse with the more users you have using JSRS.


From what I've come to understand about JSRS is that it works with nearly no lag... The lag issue is created from the CBA / CBA_OA / CBA_A2 addons. To create the echo effects in game, CBA(s) need to create an invisible vehicle of sorts under the map related to you. So this creates an insert object hit, that is a normal ban item. Many different varieties of this happen, depending on where you are and what buildings are around you, which is why there are so many instances of kicks. To this day, I still get a script error here and there, the last one was at the NWAF - weeks after I'd cleaned the script.txt all up.


In a short recap.

1- JSRS needs the keys for all 4 mods active on the server. You do not need the actual mods running on the server, just the keys.
2- Lag is created (for the most part) from all the writing to the scripts.log file. If you delete all the lines out of scripts.txt, you will get next to no performance lag. (BUT - have fun with the hackers that join if you don't protect your server).
3- There ARE wierd loot based lag issues at times with JSRS... most noticeable when trying to loot an item and it neve picks up, or picks up minutes later... or you try and bandage yourself or eat or drink and nothing happens until minutes go buy. This MAY be related to the scripts issue, or might be some other issue. Only fix I've discovered it to log off the server (back to the team selection page), and come back in.
Where is this keys directory usually located? As usual, people on non-dedicated servers may or may not have access to this.
Exactly - if you're on a server where you just rent, and everything is provided via a web interface, chances are you can't access any of the areas you'd need to access to make these changes.

You MAY be able to get your provider to install the keys for you for JSRS and the CBA's. A lot of them will agree to enable those keys, many of them for free even.