Latest "live/admin" Map?


Well-Known Member
We've been using DayZMapper for a long time, but it seems to be pretty inaccurate and not as reliable as it used to be.

We use the Reality Inventory manger for a lot of our Teleporting/Inv Management... works great for what we need. We just need to find another live Tracking Map of everyone on our Private Servers.

Just curious to know what everyone's using these days now? Nothing paid please.
DayZMapper is still the best free solution in my opinion... works fine for me... although I'm using a modified data.php that someone uploaded here to get it running nicely with the new schema...

You need to remember though it looks at the database, so if the person is on the move, it's always going to be a bit behind... but this shouldn't be a problem, unless you're using it to hunt players down. :p!

I use it to see if people are teleporting, and it works perfectly for it, updating every few seconds.