Light Fire - Lose matches

Manatee Hunter

Valued Member!
Anyone here know where the light fire file is? - Specifically looking to basically incorporate the failure chance and loss of the match box to lighting any fire - including barrels, fire pits and w.e else. I'm wondering if the light fire option is part of the objects themselves or not?

As it stands now it's not too complicated to have it attempt to remove the matches when you MAKE the fireplace, but that doesn't make too much sense compared to losing them while actually lighting the fire...

I intend on expanding this to knives, toolboxes and hatchets.
I like this, but more along the lines of perhaps ten uses for the matches, and matches getting wet when you swim. I also like the idea of tools breaking from wear and tear.
Well, when discussing uses with a few people, the conclusion: would have to write it into the db.... I agree I'd much rather it have charges that can fail, but honestly anything is better than what it currently is.