Looking for a help with a new scripted.

the king

New Member
I was wondering how i would go about creating a self action that would check for more then one of the same object in a players inventory. say like 3 tank traps or something. i know how to check to see if a player got a certain objected, just want to to check if they got more then one... nay help would be great.

edit: Sorry for the typo in the tread name.....
man....as simple as that....long night.
im doing this in fn-selfactions (not directly)
so my line of code should go something like:
if (("Object" in _mags) > 3) then {

this should have the same effect right?

edit: never mind, i got it, thanks alot man!!!

gonna post what I'm creating when I'm done.
Epoch users are gonna love it lol