Loot on a aircraft carrier

Did they ever managed to spawn loot on the travania oil rigs (was it travania?)? If they did there might be a good hint stored in those files.
i found the taviana code, and I think I know which objects they are using, but nothing is standing out as different from my previous attempts. I haven't played a taviana server in a bit, but I think I'll go on and ask around.

I have been looking around the code, specifically player_spawnCheck.sqf, which calls building_spawnLoot.sqf.

This line looks interesting:
_spawnableObjects = ["building", "SpawnableWreck", "IC_Fireplace1", "IC_DomeTent", "IC_Tent"];

which then is used in:
_nearby = nearestObjects [_position, _spawnableObjects,_radius];

and then the code loops on the return values to spawn loot and zombies. So maybe its back to the type "Carrier". Maybe they should be based on something else? I will probably try "Building", but the other buildings/structures are not based on that, they are based on "Default" too.
as for the frigate. you cant stand on it. its for decoration only.

you cant redefine an object as a different type of object imho. buildings are from a base class that contains code to allow certain features, if the carrier parts do not inherit from those same base classes they wont have the same features.
I've got a new idea. - you can't roam around the entire ship, so there are plenty of dead/hidden spots. I can take a small shed or building or shack and place it within the carrier AND redefine the loot/zombie spawns of it. As long as the hidden object is close enough to a visible area, then the 300m radius will kick in.

So now its back to a relative position problem. ugh, those are a pain.
Only 18+ months later, but I'll ask anyway...

Anyone have code working for this? I spawned in a carrier via the server pbo. Found the code here someplace - you do a createvehicle["PBX".....] then gets its position, then spawn each of the parts. Works great. You can go onto it and explore. Vehicles don't stay during restart, but thats not the issue now.
I know you're more interested in spawning loot but I thought I'd mention that I used a method for spawning in carrier thats bug free. No falling through. I keep aircraft on it and a tow tractor to move them around...works great.

Got it from here: http://opendayz.net/threads/automatic-aircraft-carrier.9462/page-5

I put:

if (isServer) then {
waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"};
LHD1 call BIS_EW_fnc_createLHD;

at the top of my init.sqf

Thats supposed to spawn it in early before the vehicles, so they don't fall through.