Main hive


New Member
Is there a way to make servers report to a single hive? For example we
have 2 PC's both are running same version of the server same map etc:

PC 1: Master hive(main server on my home PC)

PC 2: slave hive(seccond server on a host)

So if the players play on one of these servers and then decides to go on
the other one he takes his gear with him just like in the official dayz
server. I hope you understood what I wanted to say

So when I went to my hosted server and modified the HiveExt.ini at the Database/Host= I changed to my home computer IP . But when I started DayZ CC it said Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server
in mysql,
grant all privileges on DBNAME.* to 'USERNAME'@'HOSTNAME' identified by 'PASS'
you have to add a user connecting from certain host (in this case grant him the permission.
by this, you may be able to access to the DB anyway... preparing backup is highly recommended lol.