Making walls indestructible/not able to be knocked over


Well-Known Member
Hey all.. I am trying to make walls of donator houses completely indestructible and "non-movable".

With this current code I am having an issue where players are able to run into the wall with a vehicle and knock the wall down. How can i make it to where its a solid wall that cannot be knocked down or destroyed?

    _vehicle_288 = objNull;
    if (true) then
    _this = "Fence_corrugated_plate" createVehicleLocal [1065.6543, 2836.4375, -0.16709013];
    _vehicle_288 = _this;
    _this setDir 59.966957;
    _this setVehicleInit "this allowDamage false;";
    _this setPos [1065.6543, 2836.4375, -0.16709013];

Thanks in advance!