Map Addition Request (Skalisty Island Hero AI Camp)

I have searched for days for a Hero AI Camp map addition for Skalisty Island but I have only found map additions for Skalisty Island itself. None of them have AI added to them.

I could add AI to already created Skalisty Island map additions if I had enough understanding of map coordinates to global positions not to mention patience.

If someone could help me out with either a new map addition with AI attached to it or just an AI script to add to an already existing map addition for Skalisty Island.

What I am trying to do is to help even out the humanity gain/loss with killing AI. As it stands on my server players gain positive humanity from killing zeds, Bandit AI, and healing other players. I am wanting to put a Hero AI Camp in to help even out the humanity gain so players that want to be bandits can actually work towards that goal without having to engage other players over and over.