Multiple Clothing Options

New Calpis

Well-Known Member
Hello I run a DayZ 1.8.1 server. As many may know there are only 4 skins available. Civilian, camo, ghille and solider. Other skins cannot only be accessed by player morph. I know how to set up the right click option for the clothing but I have no script to execute to player morph someone to a new skin. All answers are apreciated, and thanks in advance.
Have your right click option point to something and have it do
[dayz_playerUID,dayz_characterID,"modelnamehere"] spawn player_humanityMorph;
and you're done.
if you're using this for multiple skins, instead of having multiple sqf files for the player morph, you can use the right click option to set a variable to true then do
if (yourvariable == true) then {
[dayz_playerUID,dayz_characterID,"modelnamehere"] spawn player_humanityMorph;

if (yourothervariable == true) then {
[dayz_playerUID,dayz_characterID,"modelnamehere"] spawn player_humanityMorph;